Another leak - more info over at mdw


Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
New Leak and Official upgrade Path to Gingerbread

.595 deodexed version now available on tbh app. This is meant to be a stepping stone system version to the official version verizon has selected as .596 for the time being.

Here we go again :p

Edit: Only reason I'm posting this in the Liberty Rom section because its really the only rom I follow anymore and I know its alot of work to redo everything.
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chances are that this one will be skipped considering the final release is rumored to be doin the OTA on the 13th (think thats the date i read before)

anyways hope the final gets leaked sooner than later so the team can start working on something that will have some longevity (a little bit at least lol)

loving the .5 release, looking forward to see what the team can do!
Amazzazing job so far guys, thanks! :)
chances are that this one will be skipped considering the final release is rumored to be doin the OTA on the 13th (think thats the date i read before)

anyways hope the final gets leaked sooner than later so the team can start working on something that will have some longevity (a little bit at least lol)

loving the .5 release, looking forward to see what the team can do!
Amazzazing job so far guys, thanks! :)

I don't think the DX will see another update beyond this upcoming OTA aside from super critical bug fixes (if any).
I hope that's not true. I'd like see the bootloader unlocked (which moto has said they are considering, at least for future phones).. And even though there is no front facing camera, I'd like the video chat gtalk update.


{ DroidX «» Liberty 2.0.1 «» TapaTalk }