Another Nexus 6P Bent In Half!

Just FYI, that same guy has bend videos for all the premium phones.
Galaxy S6 ->
iPhone 6s ->
OnePlus Two ->
HTC One M9 ->

All the phones can be bent to failure.
This doesn't prove anything but.... Don't Bend Your Phone!!!

what the hell is the point of the fire test? I'm not running around on fire with my phone in my pocket or trying to light a cigarette with my phone and I'm definitely not putting a lit torch in my purse, if I had a purse. seriously wtf.
what the hell is the point of the fire test? I'm not running around on fire with my phone in my pocket or trying to light a cigarette with my phone and I'm definitely not putting a lit torch in my purse, if I had a purse. seriously wtf.
Supposed to simulate hot temps, like the phone being used and sitting in the sun. That's my best guess.
Who the hell is Kelvin?
Some really hot dude. ;)

The kelvin is the primary unit of temperature measurement in the physical sciences, but is often used in conjunction with the degree Celsius, which has the same magnitude. Subtracting 273.16 K from the temperature of the triple point of water (0.01 °C) makes absolute zero (0 K) equivalent to −273.15 °C (−459.67 °F).
yeah except its 149597870700 metres (about 150 million kilometres, or 93 million miles) or 1 AU away.

pretty sure that makes a HUUUUUUUGE difference between the lighter and the sun.
I call that a technicality. Just like this dude scratching the phone and then hulking it to break it.
Who the hell is Kelvin?
I just found this. do-you-even-science-meme.png