Anyone Else's Nexus Setting Off Store Anti-Theft Alarms?

I've noticed the same since I got my Galaxy S4

I've noticed in the last week or so (the first time I ventured back into malls after getting this phone), that I keep setting off store alarms. No, no tags in clothes or shoes, no, not stealing things. It's only certain stores: Macy's, Ann Taylor, New York & Co, Belk. Others I walk through no problem. The only constant in the situation has been my phone. I've even been told by store workers that if I have a smartphone, particularly one with 4G, that that is what's causing it. Is this true? Is there a fix for it? It's mortifying being thought a thief.

I purchased a new Samsung Galaxy S4 at the end of November. Ever since, I've noticed that I frequently set off store alarms upon entering AND exiting. Not all stores, usually department stores (Kohls, Macy's). It happened before I got a cover for the phone and after. As far as I can remember, I've been wearing different shoes and coats each time, although I've been carrying the same purse (not a new purse). NFC is turned off but I still seem to set off the alarms. Have not been stopped by any clerks because I've never been carrying a bag or merchandise.

Any suggestions?
It's never happened to me, but I have heard of cell phones (in general) setting off those alarms. Think it depends on the sensitivity of the "pedestal" or something.
Off topic, but a few years ago, my sister bought me a wallet, and every time I went to a store the alarm would go off! I figured it was the wallet, which had an anti-theft chip inside of it that the store clerk forgot to remove when she bought it(no my sis didn't steal it lol).