Anyone using Lotus Traveler? ... or Time Warner TV Does it work after 4.2.2 upgrade?


May 5, 2010
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I just received my OTA update to 4.2.2 on my stock unrooted Nexus (Verizon) Everything seems to be working OK except for Lotus Traveler and my Time Warner TV app. It won't connect to the Server after the update and tells me "invalid username or password" when it worked fine before the update. I really need to get it sorted out, but the TWC app isn't quite so critical but still would like to get it operational. The TWC app will log in and works with the Live TV option but not the Guide, or DVR parts.
As a brief update..... for some strange reason, something in the app or phone is changing the login password to the server??? It changes the correct 6-digit password to a single digit password in the "password" field. You can't see what it is, since it's the usual ( * ) symbol in the password field. When it errors out and says "Invalid Username or Password", I check the settings, and the Username is correct, but the password has changed. I type in the correct 6-digit password and it connects again.... for awhile until it does it all over again??? Any of you IT types have a clue what it is doing or what might be causing it????
As a brief update..... for some strange reason, something in the app or phone is changing the login password to the server??? It changes the correct 6-digit password to a single digit password in the "password" field. You can't see what it is, since it's the usual ( * ) symbol in the password field. When it errors out and says "Invalid Username or Password", I check the settings, and the Username is correct, but the password has changed. I type in the correct 6-digit password and it connects again.... for awhile until it does it all over again??? Any of you IT types have a clue what it is doing or what might be causing it????
I have the same problem on my new Samsung Galaxy S4. I would love to know how to fix this.
After talking to our Corp. IT Dept. The problem is they need to upgrade their version of Lotus Notes to be compatible with this newest upgrade.