AOSP on Droid2

It's stock ASOP, similar to the ROMs that the CM6 team has been building for the android devices they support.

Im new to android and my Droid 2 is my first real smartphone (the other one was moto q9, which is the worst phone ever) so I don't know what CM6 or AOSP (I get the basics of it but not the benefits of it) are.

AOSP is Android Open Source Project. and CM6 is cyanogenmod ver. 6 cyanogen (and other rom makers) takes the google source and makes roms from it basically change things that users ask for and give more functionality to the phones. so basically a rom built from source is a straight up google android rom with no added stuff by motorola, HTC and samsung etc.

Thanks for the reply. I got it now.
This is going to be awesome, I can't wait!

BTW, not to be a pest but how long do these usually take to create?
Hey guys, after a couple weeks of work, and alot of questions directed and Cvpcs and Koush, I have managed to get an aosp build of android running on the Droid2. Its definately an alpha right now, but it does boot, and you can browse through the phone. I will hopefully have a video up today.
Things that dont work atm:
Phone calls.
Wake from sleep.
Battery status.
Some audio stuff.

Wifi, bluetooth are working along with all the soft and hard keys.

More to Come!!

I cant wait for custom roms and what not!
Some legit roms and themes for the D2 would be nice : )
Is this using the stock kernel or did you do as the Milestone team did and use a kexec to get it to boot it's own kernel after the fact? If that is the case do you have an idea how you will fix the radio antennae problem?