Apps to sd


Jan 19, 2011
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What is benefit of moving apps to sd card since there is plenty of internal space on the phone?

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Great question, I've been wondering this for awhile. I've always seen it mentioned in posts in a positive way. A few times also seen it spoken of as a selling point for ROM "abc". So to the powers that be, "what is the truth behind putting apps to SD?" The more details the better. Noobie I am, teach you will.

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It's mostly for people who don't have plenty of space on their phone. If you've got the memory to spare, leave your apps there. They will load and run faster.

Not everyone's phone came with 8GB of internal memory. And then there are the app collectors and people who play a lot of high end games. They tend to max out their phone's memory.
Thanks for the reply. That is what I thought, but was confused when it came with liberty since it is for the dx and d2 where they both have plenty of internal storage

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It's an integral part of Froyo. They would have had to deliberately remove it. No reason to remove it as long as it provides functionality with no major drawbacks.
Can it b done via smsung glxy tb 7.0 +?

by tab 7.0 +
No, i mean from device to sd card,tq

by tab 7.0 +
Does the tab have an SD slot? If not I think Samsung sells an SD card adapter. Either way yes you should be able to although there's no real reason to.
Yes it has, and now im using 16gb micro sd card, but theres no "move to sd card" function at it, thats y im wondering...?tq

by tab 7.0 +
Already download but it seems to b that its not problem here, the problem is that this device (or the os) didnt support that apps,tq

by tab 7.0 +