Are we ready for a bezel free phone?


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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Looking at the bezel free Oppo shown originally on a Chinese website, I begin to ponder the usefulness of a phone without a bezel. Of course it will have to register multi-touch, but it will allow for a much larger screen in a format that allows for one-handed use. The Motorola Nexus 6 and Moto X (2) both have very thin bezels and the Note edge and S6 are experimenting with edge (curved) displays. So I have to wonder if the next step will be going without a bezel but that presents its own set of problems from how to protect the phone with a case, how the device will handle impacts, as well as how to interact with the device. So are we ready to go no bezel?
Video here: OPPO - -

You may have to wait 30 secs for it to play. Working on embedding the video here.
I have an issue with the G2 now without a case, my hand is constantly touching the screen during one-handed use, so unless they address that (which I'm sure they will/are) it'll be frustrating to use in one hand.
thats a nice looking phone (oppo). dude is holding it in windy conditions over the edge of a balcony :eek:
i like the (no) bezel. i dont want the screen on the sides. just screen covering the entire front of the phone. insomuch that i don't care if they had to cut a small incision in the screen for the mic and speaker. im sure they could hide it well. (any video could still be played in between the crevices)
will be interesting to see what sort of case they come up with for it.
Nope. I like that little bit of edge on the screen as a bumper zone for when your finger touches the side. But thats just me.
A slight bezel maybe looks more normal. But, really, the side bezels are already pretty minimal.

The challenge of one-handed use comes from huge display sizes and the top/bottom bezels. I still think 4.7" is ideal, maybe 4.9" on an edgeless display (16/10 aspect ratio) up to 5.3" (16/9 aspect ratio).

And unless they sacrifice a tiny portion of display to accommodate the rounded edges, you probably need 1/8-1/4 inch bezels at top and bottom to maintain a perfectly rectangular display. I'd be in favor of moving capacitative buttons to top or side edge, even the back of the phone.
Personally, I don't think all that much thought has gone into the ergonomics of the phone, certainly not for comfortable one-handed use. Something radically different - like a way to firmly grip the phone nearer the middle with your fingertips (rather than the edges) would maximize a comfortable range of motion for your thumb. If you're like me, you're typical performing some sort of careful balancing act to accomplish that.
I'd be in favor of moving capacitative buttons to top or side edge, even the back of the phone.

I say just go onscreen buttons and free up the space for more screen. Even better would be doing something like pie nav buttons that swipe in from the side (of course that could be frustrating for someone not use to it). But as many have pointed out, how will it handle impacts, and I am not necessarily talking about a drop but it bumping around in a cup holder, purse, or pocket with keys?
I say just go onscreen buttons and free up the space for more screen. Even better would be doing something like pie nav buttons that swipe in from the side (of course that could be frustrating for someone not use to it). But as many have pointed out, how will it handle impacts, and I am not necessarily talking about a drop but it bumping around in a cup holder, purse, or pocket with keys?

I suppose it's nice to take advantage of the extra screen real estate for video and games, but otherwise I need to use the keys so it makes little difference to me if it's software or hardware. I really don't want buttons taking up real estate at all, software or hardware, but I need the functionality.

Although I really like your idea about gestures or hidden nav buttons. Not an easy thing to pull-off, though, when you consider the UI to distinguish between you're wanting to use a nav button instead of interacting with the widget or app.