AT&T Note4 Downloading M?


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Sep 5, 2010
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Either that or the September security update is 1.3GB+ instead of the usual ~30MB.
I'll post anything I see different than what Verizon pushed out since AT&T finally pushed it to my phone.
I'd honestly given up on it ever coming and bought apps to do what M was supposed to add.

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Forever later it finally finished.
First the bad, and there ain't much so far. Aftermarket data toggle is still broken. My widgets didn't load their photos because they said the photos weren't there. App icons with custom photo are fine. Widgets easy to fix.My wallpaper didn't load because phone renamed dcim folder to some long name, app didn't recognize it, no biggie to fix.
Now the good so far. S pen can now set custom shortcuts
AND I have enabled the option to set the floating icon so it's tap that now instead of push the button on the pen . Here's what I mean . It's always on when screen is on

Speaking of on, the screen off memo works GREAT, with or without a lockscreen set. My aftermarket app only worked with a lockscreen and I like my phone without one. This was honestly the only reason I wanted M in the first place. Icons for bloatware look different and much more like Touch Wiz on Windows Mobile from last decade.
It didn't get hot enough to fry eggs like usual when doing updates but it still got very warm when "optimizing apps" . It was on the charger so I don't know how much battery to update but from 5.0 to the latest security patch it used to use about 20%.
Fonts and colors of S Note and things are also very much like my Omnia phone (WM) UI
S Note after the last security patch was sluggish and/or froze up the phone each time I used it. It's still slow to load "all" in the app itself but all the residuals like action memo and stuff are back to snappy and a time saver once again.
Some had mentioned notification previews not being there anymore I think but they are still there on mine in the pull down, if that's what they were meaning.
Double tap screen while holding button on the s pen still opens quick memo but with the floating icon and screen off memo that won't get used by me much anymore.
Write On pdf is still an aftermarket app and not embedded like it is on the Note7 but still works well.
I'll post more as I see more.

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Today on my way to work the guy I ride with got rear ended. I try to call 911. I dial 911 and tap send. It calls the last number I'd dialed. I hang up and dial 911 again. It asks "which emergency contact?" I'm getting furious about now. I dial 911 again. It just sits there. I dial 911 again. WTF?!? Same thing so out frustration of being too the try something else or throw the phone point I chose turn off Wi-Fi. Called 911 again and it asked "Skype, Rocket Dial or Phone. Really?!?!?!. I chose phone. It then went through. Wi-Fi calling (little icon in pull down menu showed up when I dialed) was on but not set up so that was one bug. Needless to say I was livid by that point and had to ask the operator to please be patient with me as I'm kinda mad and the moment and if I cuss by accident please forgive me.
We were fine, the lady behind us that hit us was fine, her small children were fine, person in third car back was fine and the son of a female k9 that caused the whole thing left the scene and by the time the cops got there they were long gone.
But on a bright note I got phenomenal battery life today.

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Today on my way to work the guy I ride with got rear ended. I try to call 911. I dial 911 and tap send. It calls the last number I'd dialed. I hang up and dial 911 again. It asks "which emergency contact?" I'm getting furious about now. I dial 911 again. It just sits there. I dial 911 again. WTF?!? Same thing so out frustration of being too the try something else or throw the phone point I chose turn off Wi-Fi. Called 911 again and it asked "Skype, Rocket Dial or Phone. Really?!?!?!. I chose phone. It then went through. Wi-Fi calling (little icon in pull down menu showed up when I dialed) was on but not set up so that was one bug. Needless to say I was livid by that point and had to ask the operator to please be patient with me as I'm kinda mad and the moment and if I cuss by accident please forgive me.
We were fine, the lady behind us that hit us was fine, her small children were fine, person in third car back was fine and the son of a female k9 that caused the whole thing left the scene and by the time the cops got there they were long gone.
But on a bright note I got phenomenal battery life today.

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Beast Mode 4

Wow. Glad everyone is safe.

This points to an issue I've had as well, where lag on the phone prevents it from performing the requested and expected functions, not the least of which is its primary purpose - a phone. I have had my phone lag at times as much as minutes from a screen press to when the call completes. The more powerful and complicated these phones (and their OS), get, the more potential failure points there are. IMHO, making a phone call should override ALL functions of the device (dare I call it a phone), so that situations just like what you illustrate don't happen.

It's fortunate that nobody was seriously hurt, however that is purely happenstance. It could have gone much the other way, and if you couldn't raise 911, lives could be lost. Your own injuries could have been serious enough that the time it took to get a successful completion would have been too long and you could have slipped into unconsciousness.

Making 911 calls are by their very nature MISSION CRITICAL, and so the phone should respond with the same level of urgency. I believe it wouldn't be too difficult to engineer a "bypass code" that recognizes a call to 911, and shuts down all non-critical functions and services, at least until the call has been completed. We have similar fail-safes built into things like elevators, cars, planes, boats, trains, so why not phones?


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Sep 5, 2010
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This was pretty darn cool.
I'm on jury duty call for the next 8 weeks and have to call to see if I'm called. I called the number, screen went dark as I was listening. I wrote a quick screen off note and texted it to my boss before the call ended letting him know what I found out.

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