Awesome phone upgrade from original Droid


Feb 14, 2010
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But keep your original Droid on hand for your addicting card games. The CARDS display from SOME apps is great on my Droid, but disappointing on this one. Your mileage may differ. The display for everything else but (certain apps) card games is great! UPDATE: My favorite solitaire pack ROCKS!!!!

I had a few problems at first with various apps and whatnot, but only because my 3G is sporatic and 4G non existant. I should have installed at the store instead of doing the mail order I suppose. But everything is working itself out. I'm hoping the card pixels and sizes will also improve on the disappointing apps, but so far it's a no go for playing my favorite card games (free cell, 40 thieves, spider). UPDATE: My Favoritie card game app now ROCKS!!!!! (but the other app still sucks at this time.)

Better than my Droid:
1. Cord is a little longer which makes it easier to use while it's charging.
2. Cord placement is at the top, which allows me to use the phone easily while it's charging because my wall plug is in front of me, not to the side of me.
3. Phone has Swap Callers, like 2 way calling. :)
4. Pages and screens glide effortlessly (so far).
5. It doesn't accidentally open icons and links while scrolling. (very seldom anyway).
6. Great reception in bad/good reception area!! In the last few days of ownership, I've had 2 missed calls, 1 dropped text, 1 dropped call out of 2 dozens uses. My Droid, on the other hand, boasted 6 attempts to send 1 text, calls going straight to voicemail, and seldom could I make a call without finding a "spot", and that "spot" always always changed. With this LG I can actually sit back, relax and make/receive a call from the comfort of my couch or anywhere in the house. (I hope it's not some kind of a super "boost" applied for the first 14 days of trial....)
7. Backgammon is smoother. :)
8. It comes with a memo pad app/icon and bookmarks and so many of the "ordinary goodies" that the original Droid lacked. Plus it has Netflix etc.
9. The APPS menu is nice, because I can collapse all of them and just open the one I need, like Tools for Settings, and then when done, just close it back up or leave it open for frequent visitis. Saves tons of scrolling.
10. Size of Screen, Lightness (feather light), all the positive things already talked about also apply here.

It's a new toy, and it's fun. What can I say.

Not as great as my Droid:
1. SEE UPDATE BELOW: THIS NO LONGER APPLIES except to one app. Card games display badly . Cards are so easy to read on my Droid. (this might change in a few days, if there's still some missing kernels of bits floating around in space that still need to find my phone). Pixels and sizes suck on the cards on this phone so far.(BUT PIXELS ARE GREAT EVERYWHERE ELSE SO FAR) Please keep in mind, the "so far", because, I'm in bad/good reception area and I installed my phone from this area. It might be different for others. I'm glad I kept my Droid for emergency backup and for playing my favorite games.
2. Sound is okay on this one, but clearer and deeper on my oD. If you have an oD, you'll know that it's hard to beat the soothing tone. This one is a little bit rattel-ing on loud. I don't think you can rattle my Droid if you tried. The volume is also lower. So, Save your Droid for your musical backup pleasures too.
3. Droid had a slider keyboard
4. I forget if there's anything else.

Why I chose the LG Spectrum over the Razr Maxx and the Galaxy Nexus?
2. Reports of Good Reception
3. Gorilla Glass
4. Updateable to ICS eventually (LOL)

I'd love to have all 3 and 6 years from now I probably will have them all in my collection.

Overall, I'm: dancedroid :icon_ banana: DancingNexus :icon_ lala:

edited to share that the main solitaire pack card game now rocks on my LG Spectrum!! (BETTER THAN MY DROID!!!!!!!)
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Solitaire Card game rocks!

UPDATE: My main Solitaire pack Card Game is now rocking the phone. It is awesome. The font/numbers/suits/cards are beautiful and they move smooth as glass. (it's the free game with solitaire/freeCell/spider/forty Thieves). I love it!!!

However, the other card games still disappoint at this time. I don't know if it's my install, or them. I'll uninstall this weekend sometime when I get to better reception area and reinstall them. (mobilityware Spider game where you tap them to move).

I can now officially do a happy dance for my main solitaire games app on my LG. :icon_ lala: :icon_ lala: :icon_ lala:
Good to hear. Keep us posted with any other impressions please.

I'm eligible for an upgrade in a month. I don't know if ill sit on my Incredible or get something new but the Spectrum tops my list. I'm waiting to see if Costco is going to offer it.

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Updaye: All my card games are awesome now. I discovered a menu in settings to set apps to fit screen. Case solved. oh and the cards are 10 x's better than on my droid. :)

Auto Rotate works now except it doesn't (yet) ritate upside down like my oDroid did. when its docked i have to turn the dock and phone upside down to watch certain shows and play cards. any tips for this?

You'll love the LG!! i hope you get it. This week I downloaded 60 droid tv primetime episodes for viewing off line when i can. Netflix is smooth and beautiful and theres just so many plusses overall. Have the store set it up tho and save yourself some headaches. :)
Cool! Nice to see LG made a decent device.