Backup charger

Steve H

Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Utah
I'm wanting a backup charging system for my Note 3. Really do not want to carry an extra battery but I was thinking about a solar charger. Anyone have any experience with one? good - bad????? Brand?
Why not, a spare battery is fairly small and fits in a pocket? Any charging system is going to be harder to carry around, plus dangling power cords to deal with.
I used to have a Mophie Juice Pack back when I used an iphone. It worked great but made the phone bigger and a lot heavier. Not sure if they make anything like that for Note 3 though. I really can't imagine my phone getting any bigger so I havent looked for anything like that.
There are a lot of extended batteries for the Note 3. They work great, but do add some girth to the phone. I just went with a couple of spare batteries as they are super small, easy to carry around, and are quickly swapped out.
Solar chargers are great for the ecology, however they are usually rather large and cumbersome. A few fold down to be relatively portable, not much larger than a small tablet. They also require longer time to charge and must be in direct sunlight. Finally for the cost, they are much more expensive per watt of power generated than a commercial or residential roof-mounted solar panel, so purchasing just one of those and charging a portable battery pack would result in greater efficiency and still be eco-friendly.