Backups using CWM?

Feb 16, 2010
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I rooted my stock 886 Bionic and installed the Bootstrap recovery. I then rebooted into CWM and made a backup. That went fine, but I always liked using Rom Manager to make my backups because you could specify a folder name (CWM defaults to the date and time for folder name) that way I can give it a more verbose name so I know what the backup was. So I go into Rom Manager, go to Backup, make my folder name. It reboots into CWM And looks like it is making the backup. But when I check the SD card and even the CWM restore menu, I don't see the Rom Manager backup. I only see the backup made straight from CWM (a folder name with just the date). Is the Rom Manager backup broken from Bionic? Also this is off topic, but is there any risk that if I update to 7.893 that I won't be able to install the OTA that is possibly coming out soon?
At this time, you cannot rename files or use RM to make a backup.
I see, I wonder, could I rename the folder after the backup has been made?
At this time, you cannot rename files or use RM to make a backup.

Sorry, I meant this to say you can't rename after the backup because the file name is linked in the md5 hash.
Ok so I am locked into the "date" name of the folder. Thats ok, I decided to put a text file in the backup folder that defined what each date represented.
what you are seeing is the fact that in recovery you can only access SD-EXT, however when you are making the backup from Rom Manager it goes onto the SDcard. The latest update for RM has the option to use the external card instead of the internal one, but I have not tried it out yet.

I was not aware that you couldn't rename the backup files, in fact I am sure I have at least a couple backups that I have renamed from the date formatted one, but afaik I have not tried restoring any of them.