

New Member
Sep 25, 2010
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I just got the Droid 2 a couple day's ago, i've read post's saying your phone battery lasts 2-3 days! Mine dies after a good 5 hours!! WHATS GOING ONN!!!
All due respect there are a lot of threads on here about battery life but my suggestion would be to download juicedefender in the app store. Lots of options to save battery and a readout that tells you how much you are saving
First and foremost, you need to download Advanced Task Killer. Secondly, you want to turn your LCD brightness down.

The battery will never last 2-3 days, unless you don't use it. You can also purchase the extended battery from Verizon. I'm a medium to heavy user, and I'm getting about 14-16 hours out of the extended battery.
The last thing you want to do is install Advance Task Killer or any task killer for that matter, Android has a very effective task managment process built into the system and any third party app is just going to add confusion to your system, eating up battery and slowing performance
The last thing you want to do is install Advance Task Killer or any task killer for that matter, Android has a very effective task managment process built into the system and any third party app is just going to add confusion to your system, eating up battery and slowing performance

Really? Do you have anything I can read about it?
Ultimate juice (juice defender) is a great app to install for improved battery performance.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
Do not use Task Killers on the Droid 2. It makes it worse!! Not Better!!!
That seems insane. If you want to extend your time without charging, buy a second battery.

And everyone should be charging their phone every night. It isn't good for you to run your battery down to empty before charging it every time. It will have a negative impact on the lifespan of the battery.
I had task killer on my phone for about a day but took it off after reading how little if any help it is and also it killed my alarm app I didn't wake up from my nap in time for the OSU kick-off. Now I just let the phone do it's thing and my battery life is fine. You can also force the app you want to quit in the manage area of settings. I also use maximum under battery mode and use wifi at home.
That seems insane. If you want to extend your time without charging, buy a second battery.

And everyone should be charging their phone every night. It isn't good for you to run your battery down to empty before charging it every time. It will have a negative impact on the lifespan of the battery.

+1 on the running down the battery being bad. It is a bad idea to run your battery down to empty or even very close to that on a regular basis...

The D2 has some built-in battery management options that actually work quite well for me...Battery Manager is the name IRRC, in Settings.

I own Juice Defender/Ulitmate Juice, but it made my D2 very unstable for some reason, so I stopped using it.
Is it really bad running down your battery before you recharge it? I've always heard that's the best for your battery to charge it full and then use it all up. Not that I actually do that.. lol.

Also, I remember when I first got my Droid 2 and the battery life sucked but after a few charges it got better.
That seems insane. If you want to extend your time without charging, buy a second battery.

And everyone should be charging their phone every night. It isn't good for you to run your battery down to empty before charging it every time. It will have a negative impact on the lifespan of the battery.

True. To a point. D2 will shut down at 5% anyway so you really can't run the battery down completely.

And you're absolutely right about buying a second battery. You can get them cheap at Amazon. And a wall charger off ebay will cost you 5 bucks. Well worth the money.