Battery going 80-49-20 in a few seconds


In the past few weeks, my battery life has been awful. It will barely last me a couple hours. It will tick down pretty slowly from 100 to the 80s, and then it will suddenly crash down to 49, then 20, then 5 and will shut down. When I restart the phone, it will give me some more time at anywhere from 15 to even 60 and then wind down in the same fashion after about 15 minutes.

I ran the same clock settings I had before. I had recently updated to Liberty 3 2.0 when I noticed this happening. I tried wiping battery stats and doing the two full charge-discharge cycles with no help.

I think my battery is just at its end of life since I've had it for two years. Any other issues anyone else is having, like maybe clock settings or the kernel? I'm going to upgrade to ICS soon, so looking for a temp fix. I've already got a new battery on the way.

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