Battery life sucks


Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
Riverside, CA
I went through a few cycles of discharge to condition the battery.

Today is my first day of normal use. I took it off the charger at 8:30am its now 1:16 and I have 68% I barely used it, Havent made a call yet did some pandora on the way to work (brought it from 97 to 89) I have done some texting and email checking but thats it.

Any suggestions?

Running JBSourcery nothing else
do you have it set for 4g service? 4g, by itself, will drain your battery very fast. If you're in a low 4g service area, like I am, I would suggest to turn it off until you are in a better 4g area. I use the LTE On/Off app to turn it off.
yeah I just turned it off. I honestly dont care about 4g. I just came off a DX and 3g was fine for me.

anyone know why it drains it so fast? I dont understand how it can drain anyway. Why dont phones disconnect when not in use and then connect only when needed? wont that save battery life? I thought these phones were supposed to be smart.
A large screen and cell radios make this device a thirsty beast. Signal strength, apps running in the background, music being played, screen on....etc tons of things can come into play with battery life. Also the battery percentage is an estimate, if you use your device heavily for a bit, and then stop using it you can actually gain percentages. So going from 97 - 89, may be more like 95 - 90 really. <-- use that to figure out what is draining your battery. Then from there, figure out steps to possibly reduce that drain. Perhaps some app you have is running wild in the background making some unnecessary drain. <-- download that and then after a few hours of usage and not being plugged in, see if your device is hitting deep sleep.

My VZW GNex Settings For Battery Life Thread - Galaxy Nexus - RootzWiki <-- that thread is old, but a lot of the tips still can be applied to JB ROMs.
I love how you can install straight form play store across mediums. ahh google please dont ever turn evil and screw us over
Seems like turning off lte did the trick. Im also turning off data while im at work and home since at those places im always in front of a PC anyway. Nothing looks out of the ordinary when I run those programs you linked

1200 mhz 1:04 1%
910 .57 1%
700 14.01 14%
350 28.40 29%
deep 51.1 53%

Ill run tomorrow w/a full charge no lte and see how it does.
yeah turning off lte seemed to do the trick. Battery has been good lately.

if you press and hold the HOME key it will show you what is running in the background and you can swipe left to right to stop the app.
4g takes more power to connect because it is faster than 3g.
I've noticed a decrease in battery life since the update to jelly Bean 4.1.1

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2