
Pretty sure my battery is trash

i have tried everything to get better life, for starters it wont even charge to 4200mV most i can get is 4189mV

plus after i unplug it drops different amounts, sometimes 100mV sometimes less

and it jumps all over it will go up and then down and so on
well... i've noticed since the update to the ginger kernel... my battery doesn't charge as far as i got use to in froyo... i usually get to 4.191-4.196...two batteries... different ages... and you can't really go off the voltage... as it jumps around... a good way to see that... is battery monitor from simmo... you can change it to give you a 1% read using voltage... and see how much the voltage jumps around...
Back on gb running shuji! 2.2 and is not bad today

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I was gonna say it made sense if you were on a 2nd init ROM, but I also didn't notice great battery life with Shuji 2.2 I don't think. Still might be time for a new battery though
Well I'm at over 15 hours now on what wasn't quite a full charge so its looking better but I hated giving up SSX it was fast!!!

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Take it off 4G :)

You are going to see increased battery drain while using 4G over CDMA only mode. You can try and pull back other things to help you with battery life if you want to keep using 4G. Do you have social media apps updating on a constant basis? If so reduce the time frame at which they update or turn that off altogether.

You can turn the brightness down on your screen. Change to a darker wallpaper. Use WIFI when available. Turn off vibration notifications. Really there are quite a few options. With little information in your post I am kinda shooting in the dark here as to what might help you. But some things to check I suppose.
Are you using task manager? How about smart actions battery extender?

All great suggestions. I'll add to what Sydman said, by saying if you're not either streaming video (or high bitrate audio), or are not downloading a time-sensitive large file, 4G is really an unnecessary luxury, and like all luxuries it comes at a higher cost for the your case, battery consumption.

If you give us more to go on, such as how you use it, what apps you most frequently use, how many email accounts you run, whether you are heavy into social networking, if you stream video/audio often, etc., we may be able to drill down to the biggest battery sucks for you and help you to extend your daily battery performance.

I am also going to move this thread to the Smartphone Battery Discussion forum where there are the heavy-hitters of the battery department waiting to help you get the most from your battery.
no but can i use a battery extender i use internet and phone and text only

Yes, Smart Actions Battery Extender will turn off radios, background sync, cell data, etc (whatever you choose) when the screen is off. When you wake your phone, everything comes back to life. No need to run most of that stuff while it's sitting in your pocket.