Best oops moment?


Premium Member
Premium Member
Jun 15, 2010
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So..I thought I would share a moment and hope that others will too. I like to have a little chuckle especially after spending 100 posts helping( or being helped ;) ) and let's face it, some funny things happen while diving into our droids...
After spending countless hours on my og switching roms, scripts, etc, my wife made me promise not to do the same to my dx. So of course I agreed. And of course I promptly couldn't help myself. And so began the secret affair. Until I absent mindedly asked my wife to look up something on my phone and there it was.....superuser icon. After hours of explaining and showing her why I did what I did she didn't budge. Until today. She calls me and says," honey? Can you do that to my phone?"
It was like my wife meeting my girlfriend then asking to with us! :)
Best oops ever!
Please share!!!

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Funny my wife (now ex-wife) never wanted to meet my girlfriend.

Although, my girlfriend did want her fist to meet my wifes' (now ex-wifes') face.

My best oops moment (this week) was I shut the heat off to the apartment last Saturday because it was 45 degrees outside and I live above the laundry room so it was 73+ degrees inside. Then I failed to turn it back on once the temps dropped into the teens and twenties Sunday evening. Tuesday night, my fiance was wondering why it was so cold in the apartment. Oops...

Lol. Nice. Im sure she loved that!!

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What really sucks is only half my apartment is above the laundry room. My bedroom is above the storage room, so it was even colder in there.

But she didn't get mad, she was just glad I figured out why it had happened and that I fixed it before bedtime.
