Bionic has slowed down like crazy since JB update. Any ideas?


New Member
Sep 10, 2011
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Since I've upgraded to JB, my Bionic has slowed down considerably. It's rooted. Any suggestions as to what to do to make it faster? I think i'm just gonna end up doing a factory reset. Anything you guys think would help?
Since I've upgraded to JB, my Bionic has slowed down considerably. It's rooted. Any suggestions as to what to do to make it faster? I think i'm just gonna end up doing a factory reset. Anything you guys think would help?

Turn off google now... Worked for me.
If you're rooted, backup your user apps (not system apps) & do the reset, then reinstall the backup -- I was in a similar situation & it did the trick
Install safestrap and liquidsmooth rom. JB OTA made my bionic nearly unusable.
I went to settings, developer options, then selected 'no more than 4 background processes at once,' or whatever it says, I can't remember exactly. That seems to have helped my Bionic perform better. I don't know how many things Android holds onto if you let it decide, but apparently it's a few more than 4.

I'm not rooted, so if you are apprehensive about doing that, give this a try.

I wonder if it's just a lack of RAM with JB, or if it's just the OS? If this phone had 2gigs of RAM, it would be much mo' betta...
If you're rooted, backup your user apps (not system apps) & do the reset, then reinstall the backup -- I was in a similar situation & it did the trick
So I turned off Google Now and that didn't do much. I really enjoy it also for it's stock function so I hope i don't have to lose that. I shall do mykl376's suggestion next and try that. If that fails, i'll do what you said. However, what do you mean by user apps? I'm not too savvy with the system but I can do pretty simple things. Where are the user apps located?
I did an FDR and found it really helped a lot. It's a pain, but I actually enjoyed getting back to playing with the Bionic.
1. Upgrade to different device
2. Take sledge hammer to Bionic
3. Post video to YouTube for all to enjoy!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
All phones, regardless of how advanced they are, will still slow down after time and require a FDR to clear out all the built up trash. Being rooted and able to wipe the dalvik cache and not just the standard cache will help, but eventually you will still need to FDR. The lazy people and the ones that don't know what they're doing are the ones that complain about their phone being slow.
What would be the best way to downgrade from jb to ics. I've lost the fm radio and flash since they sent me my replacement.
What would be the best way to downgrade from jb to ics. I've lost the fm radio and flash since they sent me my replacement.

U can't. Once you are on jb there is no going back.
Yeah, I just sucked it up and did a FDR. It really has helped the most of all the other things I tried. Kind of a pain, but worth it afterward.
Shall FDR soon. Question. If i'm currently rooted, you think after the FDR, i'll stay rooted?