Black Market 2.3.2...........RELEASE!!!!!

liberty 1.5 install trouble

Hey all having problems installing o Droid x liberty 1.5. Tried all the other suggestions no luck. Need a little help. Have 2.2.11 on now. Thanks Tony
Do you install this in clockwork? Any need to mount system or anything? Also, anyone here running this on Fission 2.6.1?

Do you install this in clockwork? Any need to mount system or anything? Also, anyone here running this on Fission 2.6.1?


Yes, install through clockwork and mount system. I'm using it in Fission 2.6.1, a slightly modified version of this market, but yes it works.

I finally figured out what I was doing modded market is working now...thanks for your help :D
OK, what are the differences in the versions of the Market anyway? I mean I know the difference in the Market and Black Market, but the differences in like 2.2.11 and 2.3.2, and the rest of them? Is there a link that tells the differences, and is this something that I really need to upgrade?
This may sound stupid and i apologize, but using root explorer, where do i find the market updates to uninstall? I am running UD 3.0.1. I had it while i was running UD 2.5 and loved the look, but when installing it in ud 3.0.1 i have no useable market afterwards. tried uninstalling updates through app manager and tried again with same result. any help is appreciated. I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to this stuff, just new. Thanks guys (and gals).
Ecs' did you get the 2.3.3 update - if not, I did...I can post it for you :)
Actually Devildog has inverted it already and did a great job... I will be "blacking it out" but for now I am fighting it out with gmail...AGAIN!!!!
No luck for me :-( rooted DX 2.2.1-2.3.340 tried flashing, and extracting, then dropping into system/ app and install, plus extract & install. None worked.

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