Blacked Out....BLUE!!... UD 2.5.... Screenshots...

I see that you are running the DINC. I believe the templates are different from the droid.... I think there is a DINC template floating around somewhere....
What do you mean template? Couldn't I just install it via install zip from sdcard?

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Man, I have tried everything! I cannot get this theme to work on my phone and it's killing me. I have never had a problem like this in the 9 months I've had my phone and been running roms and themes. Nothing works :(
This really is so strange. I was able to install other themes and they work just fine. However, I really don't like the other blue theme and I would love for this one to work.
This really is so strange. I was able to install other themes and they work just fine. However, I really don't like the other blue theme and I would love for this one to work.

Bump, how much space do you have in the System folder? some themes are larger than others and need more room in this folder to complete successfully. For me and Redman themes I need ~18MB free or I have issues. Just a thought to look here.

Are you sure you looked everywhere? My theme renames the market to "black market"....

That must have been what it was. I didn't look for Black Market. I simply clicked on the Market Icon and it said it wasn't installed. No worries.
OK I've only got about 3 mb free. How do I free it up. What can I delete?

I always delete the boot animation from System>Media then I move the System>Media>ringtones folder to my SDcard. that usually free's up enough. If not I delete Youtube, Voice search & Fancy widget and then download them from the market and they load in the data folder.

fyi, statesville here. Enjoying the nice weather? :)
Ok I deleted them and then reinstalled the theme and it did the same thing. Went thru the M screen and then got stuck on a blank screen...Maybe my phone just doesn't want this theme :(
Not sure why but now when I try to use the Penguins Pulldown & lockscreen from post #60 HERE and the Liquid Battery HERE They will not work. They were working on the regular UD 2.5 but with the blue themes they will not work. Ive tried everything with metamorph to get them to work but it just puts them into a bootloop. Please help if you can. Thank you
Yes a agree a purple theme would be awsom
Very nice themes. Will you be doing more colors? I would like to see a black and purple or black and green. I have only come across one purple theme. Keep up the great work

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Having an issue with the soft key backlights. Anyone know why they stay on for a bit then go off? Even if I uncheck auto brightness it still does it.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
The softkey backlights are set by the keyboard backlights timer.

<Rooted droid ally>
>> velocity 0.3 <<
>>running turbo4<<