Blacked Out..... Google Search... with pics!!

Yes it says cannot be deleted because the file system is read-only

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Hit the R/W (Read/Write) in the upper right corner and try again

Yes it says cannot be deleted because the file system is read-only

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App

DroidForums junkie!!

Right at the top

DroidForums junkie!!
U gtta be kidding me. How come mine doesn't have that sign

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
You're rooted right? And you're sure you have Root Explorer...not A root explorer?

U gtta be kidding me. How come mine doesn't have that sign

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App

DroidForums junkie!!
Ooh thanx... bytheway u know the safest way to root your phone

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
You can PM me and I will help you. Doing it here will get WAY off topic!

Ooh thanx... bytheway u know the safest way to root your phone

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App

DroidForums junkie!!
Yeah, its a know issue. If I moved it to /system it would probably fix that but I like to keep /system as clean as I can.....
Yeah, its a know issue. If I moved it to /system it would probably fix that but I like to keep /system as clean as I can.....

One of the reasons I prefer mine in /system/app is because the soft search key works. Both of the update zip files will install the apk to /system/app.
Thanks GLD! I may stick mine back in there... This was also done so that non-rooted users can get this...