Bluetooth headset question

The 2.2 update does include bluetooth voice dialing for the droid 1. That's what prompted me to root and update to it as soon as it was available here. I've been using since then and my only complaint is that it seems to go out to google's servers to do the voice work and then come back since you can't do BT dial if you lose coverage.
The 2.2 update does include bluetooth voice dialing for the droid 1. That's what prompted me to root and update to it as soon as it was available here. I've been using since then and my only complaint is that it seems to go out to google's servers to do the voice work and then come back since you can't do BT dial if you lose coverage.
While it is nice having it I still do not use it. No matter how clearly I say a person's name to dial it will still dial the wrong number. I did notice if you say the phone number it will work most of the time. Only problem with that is I am not going to be able to memorize all my contacts numbers. Kind of defeats the purpose of having a contact list :D

Not sure if there is something else I am doing wrong or not, but it is still much easier for me to make a direct dial contact folder so all I have to do is push one button (I open the folder when I get in my vehicle). I don't see the difference in that and pushing the button on my BT headset to dial someone. I understand that we need to be hands free in Oregon and other states, but what is the difference between a touch screen and the radio button on the vehicle.