Boot animation

OK I made a boot animation but I can't get it to stick on my stock gnex. Is this even doable stock? Anyone know?

Tapped from my fingers on my Nexus
Stock rooted/unlocked? Definitely if so, but a non-rooted locked phone I highly doubt!
Well I mist have did something wrong. Its stock 4.0.4 rooted and unlocked but I can't get it to stick

Tapped from my fingers on my Nexus
Does that mean you flashed it, it worked once and didn't work again?
No not at all when I get the chance I can upload and give u a link if you want go look at it

Tapped from my fingers on my Nexus
Well I'll try it but I'm the kind that likes to do it from scratch. You know creating and editing the files putting in a zip and signing it

Tapped from my fingers on my Nexus
I am as the same, however some tools are just too great to pass on. Wigs root toolkit is fabulous for noobs and experienced modders alike. You are sure that your desc.txt file is setup properly and you used the correct compression to zip?
I used the same desc.txt from stock and renamed all my pics the same and used the same amount of pics as well. I even compressed my pics to match the stock KB size. Now as the compression I just did whatever was stock so that might be it.

Tapped from my fingers on my Nexus
Save the actual with 0 compression.

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Post a link to your ani

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