Call recorder for Droid Maxx


Jan 18, 2010
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It has been a few years since this was discussed, but I wanted to ask if there were any good app recommendations to record a call. I'm having a very hard time getting information from my benefits company on why insurance is restricting my wife's medicine, and they will read it to me, but won't give it to me in writing. I guess one option is keep it in speaker and record in Evernote, but was looking for a better way.
You may have seen this older thread, but if not here is a link. From what I have read in the past, this feature is disabled on a lot of phones and all Motorola phones. It seems to be a gray area whether the ability to record is legal or not, and seems to depend on your State. I'm not sure if you are going to find an app that records call for a Droid brand phone.
If you set up a free Google Voice number, you can record calls that you *receive* in Google Voice natively. They won't record on the phone, but on the GV service. It works, but the key thing is that you have to receive the call. You'd have them call your GV number, which you can answer on your cell.

See How to Record a Call on Google Voice 5 Steps with Pictures