Calling all tetherers!

Pretty sure 3G is static IP, but either way I would think the way a phone registers with said network is with ESN, and in the case of a 4G phone, via the SIM card, which basically means the IP address has nothing to do with Verizon's ability to track and thus filter unauthorized users.
If you installed the MR2 or 2.5 radio, like consciously installed either one, otherwise you're MR1.

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So I called Verizon on an unrelated matter and decided to ask about my tethering issues, since technically I am tethering legitimately. Apparently there's a filter in place that cuts off internet to your phone if it sees an IP address other than the phone's using the data network.

The guy I talked to sounded like he knew his s*** and ya know, what he said made sense and is certainly plausible. But if this is true (and I believe it is), we ought to figure out a workaround, Barnacle, Wireless Tether for Root Users, and the native Hotspot app all result in me and you all out there losing a data connection. The fact that some people have not noticed a problem tethering can be explained: they don't use it enough, if you game, you WILL notice it eventually, or if you stream radio, eventually it'll kick you off. They put this into effect after the July OTA that took our free tethering away so we couldn't just reject the OTA and carry on with out blissful free tethering ways.

So we need to get this message to the right developers out there, perhaps we can setup an app or a file that we can install through Clockwork Recovery that can block IP addresses other than our phones' to Verizon's network.

Interesting.......... I canceled my OTA when it tried to update itself (Wed?) and still on the un-updated phone. Typed this on my Mobile Hotspot'd computer, and so far (15min or so?) still have 4G service. Would definitely make sense, though, as I could imagine Verizon is trying to figure out how to keep people from just not accepting the update.

What PISSES me off is that they could figure this out but couldn't figure out the M'F'ING GINGERBREAD!!! :soapbox:
What PISSES me off is that they could figure this out but couldn't figure out the M'F'ING GINGERBREAD!!! :soapbox:
They are two different companies. Gingerbread would come from HTC not verizon. Verizon is the one trying to figure out how to stop you from tethering unless you are doing it legitimately.
I stream radio a lot and I have noticed that for no.apparent reason I DO lose network. I have to do a phone reset to get it going again. That stinks. I'm doing nothing wrong yet I'm getting punished.
I stream radio a lot and I have noticed that for no.apparent reason I DO lose network. I have to do a phone reset to get it going again. That stinks. I'm doing nothing wrong yet I'm getting punished.

After the most recent update, I have noticed this happening a lot. It doesn't have to do with streaming or using hotspot. I can pick up my phone, have the display on and walk 10 feet and the phone will suddenly lose the 4G icon and go to "no service" for anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. If I go to the Network settings page and toggle the mobile network off and then back on again, it picks up the 4G network immediately. It seems to happen very often when in a 4G area, and it happens very infrequently in 3G only areas.

I suspect Verizon is still having issues with the handoff between LTE and 3G.
HTC makes the update in collaboration with Verizon, so Verizon can add their bloatware/crapware and "ensure customers get the best software possible".

After a few days of losing my 3G icon or at the very least my connection (3G icon appears active but nothing goes through) I today sideloaded Wireless Tether for Root Users (removed from Verizon Android Market). Havent lost a connection and I've been on it for over 12 hours. Typically as per the alleged Verizon tethering filer, I usually can't make it more than 15 minutes without this filter catching me and kicking me off. Perhaps "WTFRU" has the ability to block connected devices' IP addresses, thereby rendering the Verizon filter useless, could explain why Barnacle is still on the market but not WTFRU.

Of course it could be there isn't a filter, rather just that 3G-4G handoff issue, though I have changed the crap out of my EPST settings to no avail. Like I said, it just randomly started working just fine with WTFRU, I'm now posting this from the native Mobile Hotspot app to see if I get kicked off or not.

While a Verizon employee confirmed the existence of said filter, I'm not ready to completely accept it's validity, particularly because Verizon customer service ppl are typically full of s***. And WTFRU I still got kicked off with my Droid X, so I don't think it's the app that has given me success with tethering all day. But if that's true, then I legit RANDOMLY got tethering working again... This concerns me, Verizon must have a bad grip on their network, I'd hate to have this problem reappear in the future. Has anyone else contacted Verizon with regard to a so called filter?
Here are my EPST settings if anyone wants to see if it fixes the problem:

Slot Cycle Index: 3 (not that it affects data at all, but who knows- I changed it from 2)

Preferred Mode: Automatic (changed from CDMA Only)
Preferred Mode(9k): HDR LTE only (this is stock setting)
Rev. A: eHRPD (I know some sites say to change this to "Enable" I find it does nothing to the connection speed nor my ability to keep my data connection when tethering)

1X Diversity: Disable (stock setting)

S.IP DUN User name: I deleted everything in that field, left it blank- it apparently does nothing as well.
Data Parameters: #777 (I think default stock is just blank, I forget lol...)

By the way, I am exploring the theory that a phone needs a few days to be active before tethering works flawlessly, as I started having these problems after I put my SIM in a new thunderbolt, after I activated my Droid X, then a day or two after activating a new SIM. Also, it does take the SIM card I think up to 24 hours was it? To activate completely, data connection taking the longest to activate (took about 20 minutes to get 3G connection after activating new SIM card).

And that's it, if the field is not mentioned above, it is default setting.
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Yeah I would've been kicked off a long time ago...I started using the official Mobile Hotspot app, works just fine for over 2 hours now.

Now it looks as though maybe the data connection is iffy for the first few days of activation?

People who have this problem, did you just get the phone or a new SIM card?
Yeah I would've been kicked off a long time ago...I started using the official Mobile Hotspot app, works just fine for over 2 hours now.

Now it looks as though maybe the data connection is iffy for the first few days of activation?

People who have this problem, did you just get the phone or a new SIM card?

I don't use tethering much, but I have had my 'Bolt since March, and am using the same SIM card that I got when I got the 'Bolt. The iffy data connection started for me right about the time I installed the latest update. Prior to that, the 4G data would drop out occasionally at work (where the 4G signal, as well as 3G, regularly drops when I am indoors) but the handoff to 3G (or 1x) would be near instantaneous or in just a few seconds. It would never drop when I was outdoors though, although now with the update it does.

I notice the dropping and losing data the most when I am travelling in my car, and the data dropping is most prevalent when I am driving from a 3G area to a 4G area, and even sometimes within a 3G area when I switch from one tower to another. Maybe it just might be network issues with the towers not handing off properly?
It could be a handoff issue I suppose. The new 4G network uses that eHRPD system for handoff from 3G to 4G, and some websites report that it is still unstable and has caused the problem in question for many users. Though changing the Rev. A mode in EPST from eHRPD to "Enabled" did nothing to fix the problem at least for me.

However, contrary to what that Verizon rep said the other day, I am starting to doubt that there is a filter actively kicking off illegitimate tetherers. After tethering flawlessly for about 12 hours straight yesterday and early today, it seems rather obvious that a filter doesn't exist.

And yet, you started having the problem shortly after the July OTA that ended the free Hotspot promo... I don't know what to think.

I'll email Verizon and see if another rep knows of this filter, perhaps some of you out there reading this can as well, we can compare "answers" and perhaps decide once and for all if this filter is as mythical as bigfoot or not.

EDIT: That figures... apparently they don't let you send emails anymore..At least for now. Well give 'em a call if you like, the more answers the better!
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Okay I've learned more... Internet continues to work for iTunes, online gaming and the like, but browser losing connection... Now to test for consistency, does it lose connection at the same time every time, etc.

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In EPST, if (under Data Parameters) Package String is #777 (I forget if this is default, but it is what it should be, at least on 3G only phones) then I get data on my phone just fine, but when I turn on Mobile Hotspot, I lose a connection (3G icon still present). If the Package String field is blank (I think that's the default) then I can use smartphone data and Mobile Hotspot just least before that alleged filter kicks me off.

Like I said, in EPST of the Droid Incredible and QPST of ANY 3G smartphone or modem, package string is supposed to be #777

Anyone out there?..... I feel like I'm talking to my computer here lol.
My experience is leading me to believe there is something at the network level that Verizon has put in place to stop unauthorized tethering. I've tried several new and older radios (gingerbread and froyo) and CM7 and stock roms to no avail. The hotspot will either work briefly and stop without warning or become active yet any device doesn't believe it's connected to the internet. Has anyone found a concrete combination of basebands and roms that set tethering free?