

New Member
Mar 18, 2011
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hello! I have a droid pro and can see that there is a camera on the front of it, but can't use seems to be disabled or unrecognized?

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hello! I have a droid pro and can see that there is a camera on the front of it, but can't use seems to be disabled or unrecognized?

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:welcome: to the Droid Forums. You need to bring up the camera for it to work. Either long press on the shutter key or just pull open your app drawer and tap camera.
it appears to have 2 cameras, and said I could skype on it. I can use the camera on what I would call the back of the phone, but not the one on the front (side with screen)

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To my knowledge the pro does NOT have a front facing camera. I may be wrong, but I feel like I would have found out if it did.

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There is no camera on the front of the Droid Pro. Silly rabbit.
lol but I can see the lens and flash right next to my notification light

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yep I do. its flush with the top and I can only see it in the right lighting. pretty sure im not crazy but its a possibility

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now that you've totally piqued everyone's curiosity, could you send a full picture of the front of your Pro?
yep! ill do it in a few hours when I have access to a computer

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im a she. and what is that??

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okay I looked that up. it really looks like a lens and flash. ill try to get it in a picture. but as for that proximity cheeks always push buttons during phone calls. so maybe that is faulty?

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That's what it is. There is no camera on the front of the Pro. Guaranteed.

Sent from my GimpDroid (Installed by RZR).
:( thank you all for crushing my dreams. just kidding but thanks for the info!

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