Cannot get tethering to work from my X to my iPad


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
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Please forgive me if this is posted in the wrong place...

Okay, I am being driven mad by this is issue and I'm desperate to find a working solution. Before I begin, please note that I have Googled this extensively before posting here.

Goal: Wireless tether my 32 gb iPad 1 to my Droid X running 2.2.1 custom rom, rooted.

Issue: I can accomplish the actual connection from the iPad to the Droid but it will not use data at all.

Attempted Solutions: I've tried using barnacle tether, wireless tether, and the stock 3g app that is of course hacked to allow free wifi usage. I've tried different versions of wireless tether, I've explored every possible type of security settings on each device and app. I've reset both, changed SSID's, enable and dissabled wifi on the iPad and forget all the connections allowing them to get fresh connections. All this and still no luck. Is there a solution I have missed?

This is not something I'm doing for fun, we are attempting to change a few things at work and need this to work for us to be able to go forward, so a quick response would be advantageous to say the least.

If there is an active genius among you wanting to help me on a one on one basis, I can be contacted numerous ways, including via talk by adding the SN [email protected], this also being my email address.

Thanks in advance for any help and advice given.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Droid x Tethering to iPad 2

Haven't played about with the wifi But, my droid x and iPad 2 tether perfectly with bt. Much to my surprise ipad web use via the phone is pretty fast as well.
win i had the droid1 wifi tethering would stop working all at once so i did this action

My settings for WiFi tether are...unchecked use Bluetooth, check Enable WiFi Encryption, set up a pass phrase (make sure it is 13 characters), change the SSID or leave it default (I left it default), Change channel to 07, enable access control unchecked (my preference), change LAN first option, everything else left it the way it was.
or do this

Steps to wifi tethering…

1. With Barnacle open it.
2. Once opened, go into Settings and SSID to name your network.
3. Then into Wireless Security, enable WEP and choose a password.
4. Then go into both WAN and LAN and clear out all information.
5. Hit the back arrow soft key and tap “Start”.
6. Now on your iPad, open up any app that connects to the internet.
7. You will be prompted to choose a wireless network. Find the name of the one you just created.
8. If your Droid network is not listed, go back to Barnacle and tap the “Associate” button.
9. Continue to open iPad internet apps and pressing “Associate” until your network pops up.
10. Once the Droid network appears, tap on it and enter in your previously established password.
11. Done! Enjoy your free wifi hotspot!