Cannot sync Google Calendar to Droid X


New Member
Oct 23, 2010
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Emmaus, PA
I have been all around the internet looking for an answer. I have a new X, and when I click on calendars and attempt to open an entry in a day, it tells me, "you must syncronize a calendar before creating an event." I have set up a calendar with my gmail account. I have set up my gmail calendar with my mobile number. I have gone on my droid to "my accounts," clicked on my gmail account, and it brings up "sync contacts" and "sync gmail." There is NO "sync calendar" button in there to push. I can only access my calendar on my phone by going onto the internet. The calendar that is IN my phone refuses to sync with gmail's. If I open "calendar," "more," "calendars" it is a blank screen. Can anyone help?
I have a rooted Droid so my experience may be different. I tap menu, tap settings, tap accounts and sync settings, tap auto sync, tap my Gmail account tap sync contacts, gmail, Picasa, calendar.

I get as far as "sync settings." I get as far as "Accounts." There is no "sync settings" under "Accounts," even if i hit the menu button on that screen. Apparently being "rooted" is where it's at...?
THANKS for the answer tho...
Brent, I'm not sure that the issue is rooting. My sense is that the X is different. There's a setting called accounts where you can add/remove accounts. It doesn't have a toggle though. Not sure if there is one besides the power strip check there.
I also could never get my calender synced. I just got Jorte from the market. It's a widget but it has different sizes you can choose from. I have mine running across the top of my home screen

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Thanks to you both... I did load Jorte - now I just need to figure out how to get it to sync...
It makes a difference knowing others are experiencing similar issues.
Jorte failure - It put a calendar in my phone, yeah, but still no way to sync it up. My particular phone actually seems to be missing the software that makes it possible to sync the calendar. Therefore it would appear that no matter which calendar is actually in my phone, I won't be able to sync it because my phone cannot sync with Google. The button in the Google syncing screen simply does not exist. I took it to Verizon and the sales dude showed me that he does have that button in his.
I wish there were some sort of patch I could download or something....
google calendar sync

I signed up for mobile google calendar but it never synced. so know that I'm still learning but somewhere I read to delete the calendar on my x. I deleted all calendar settings - that worked - I only know the calendar now syncs. I get a gmail email every day at 5:10 AM telling me my schedule/appointments for the day [that may be unrelated]. All i know is my calendar is up to date on my phone now. I wish I could tell you which forum but I don't remember. Maybe someone else has a direct link. Good luck.
Sorry about the Jorte app. I use it for a stand alone calender.I hate stuff syncing up so that's why I don't use the google calender.

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I have been all around the internet looking for an answer. I have a new X, and when I click on calendars and attempt to open an entry in a day, it tells me, "you must syncronize a calendar before creating an event." I have set up a calendar with my gmail account. I have set up my gmail calendar with my mobile number. I have gone on my droid to "my accounts," clicked on my gmail account, and it brings up "sync contacts" and "sync gmail." There is NO "sync calendar" button in there to push. I can only access my calendar on my phone by going onto the internet. The calendar that is IN my phone refuses to sync with gmail's. If I open "calendar," "more," "calendars" it is a blank screen. Can anyone help?

I am in the same boat. I don't understand it either. I really need my calendar. I don't even care if it syncs online. Why can't it work like my blackberry? I don't have to have one that syncs.
ha!!!! Click this link and follow the directions on the second option. Worked like a charm! Days and days of fighting with this stupid calender and FINALLY something that worked. I'd hug this guy if I could meet him. It works! It works! I can finally enjoy my phone, and quit the endless madness of trying to sync the calender. Why couldn't my verison customer support tell me this?

Droid X: Calendar Doesn’t Sync
What works on my X, settings, accounts, long press the account you want to sync, you get three options you can sync...mail, calender, contacts. Check the one(s) you want to sync.

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KLBailey: When I follow those steps, I get to the end and there's no option to sync the calender.

bthpckrs: Click what link?

Has anyone solved this problem
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Thanks for sharing this site!

ha!!!! Click this link and follow the directions on the second option. Worked like a charm! Days and days of fighting with this stupid calender and FINALLY something that worked. I'd hug this guy if I could meet him. It works! It works! I can finally enjoy my phone, and quit the endless madness of trying to sync the calender. Why couldn't my verison customer support tell me this?

Droid X: Calendar Doesn’t Sync

calendars in sync again. dancedroid