Can't download from market

Deleting the .android_secure folder did work. Had to do it on a Windows Computer. Only issue was i had to go through and reinstall nearly half of my apps (about 35)... and they were not in the my downloads section of the market. oh well, all is good now! thanks!
yea thats the only thing about it but thats also the ONLY way i found how to do it that worked for mine get TB and then you wont have to do that again they will be in there if anything ever happens glad it worked though
this happened to my droid2 a few days back.

1. cleared cached and data for both: "Market" and "Google Service Framework"
2. rebooted the phone and test, should work.

hope that helps, good luck.
Yea I did that on mine about 100 times and did nothing I would like to know from google what causes this myself bc a lot of people have it