Can't get APK from Zip files...What's Wrong?


Nov 30, 2009
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I've had the hardest time with this...all legal of course, but I can't get an APK file from Zipped downloads. The latest App Im trying with is the new Swype keyboard. The website instructions say once I unzip the file, I will have the APK, but I never do, I always wind up with a folder that has the contents of the APK in it. And I can't rename the zip to apk either, it still always recognizes it as a Zip...Any suggestions? I am on a Mac, but I don't see how it would handle zip files differently...thanks
Are you ever extracting the contents of the zip file? Or just reading the contents of the zip file in whatever program you're using? You just choose to extract the files from the zip and pick a directory. That directory will then have your .apk file.
Im extracting them, which I have to auto put the contents where the original zip is, and it gives me a folder with 4 folders in it (res, META-INF, lib, Assets) and a resources.arsc, classes.dex, and AndroidManifest.xml...Its like it unpacks the APK contents instead of giving me an APK. I guess I could try another program to extract the zips and see...

Edit: Tried stuffit, did the same thing
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Got it, had to find another extractor, Zipeg finally worked...Thanks
An .apk is a .zip file, with a different extension. Whatever zip program you're using is just being too clever for it's own good, it recognizes that and keeps unzipping until it gets to the core.
why not just use Astro, and put the file on you sdcard. then just do a rename of the file.
If you are trying to install the Swype for the Eris posted here you don't extract it, just rename it from a zip to an apk and click on it in Astro and install.

The problem with geting zip files here (and other places) is some of them are true zip files with the appname.apk inside and others are just renamed so we can upload them here(you can't upload apk files on this forum). It is always best to "explore" or view the contents of zip files before you try to extract them. When you do than and see appname.apk inside you need to extract it . BUT if you see multiple folders and files inside with some folders called "res", "Meta-Inf", "assets", "lib" you just need to rename the zip file to an apk.

Hope that makes sense,
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If you are trying to install the Swype for the Eris posted here you don't extract it, just rename it from a zip to an apk and click on it in Astro and install.

The problem with geting zip files here (and other places) is some of them are true zip files with the appname.apk inside and others are just renamed so we can upload them here(you can't upload apk files on this forum). It is always best to "explore" or view the contents of zip files before you try to extract them. When you do than and see appname.apk inside you need to extract it . BUT if you see multiple folders and files inside with some folders called "res", "Meta-Inf", "assets", "lib" you just need to rename the zip file to an apk.

Hope that makes sense,

awesome! i was able to get this to work , thanks