Cant play videos!!! Need help!!!


New Member
Dec 27, 2012
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Okay so ive read through some of these other threads about video problems and when i updated my youtube app this seemed to work and fix the problem... but then i tried watching a video on youtube online and the message "sorry video cannot be played" popped up... this also happened when i got a video on snapchat... tried to open and view it and same error message... could some please help
My phone says cannot download unsupported..... any other suggestions?
Nevermind figured it out.... thanks, i hope this works
Not in the clear yet... sorry but the download didnt work ..... anything else?
After i did what you told me ill click on a video on YouTube online, itll begin to load, then itll say "sorry cannot play video"
do you have a 'flash player settings' app?
I think .... but maybe i can try again.... which one do i download?
I think ....
either you do or you don't
look in you app drawer(where all your apps are)
do you see a 'flash player settings' app?, if not flash is not installed
Can someone help me? I have the same issue as well but also i cannot play any videos anymore for some reason, Google play movies, youtube browser, my own recorded video on the DNA. Does anyone else have this problem? If so how can i fix it?