Car Charger


New Member
Jan 22, 2010
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When i bought my droid they told me to use the charger that came with the phone and that there was a special car charger for the droid. She also said if both of these are not used the majority of the time that it decreases the battery life.

1. Does anyone know if this is true or anything about this?

2. Is there such thing as a specific droid car charger?

thanks in advance and sorry if this is a already a topic!
I picked up a $15 car charger from wal-mart. VZW just wants you to spend as much money as humanly possible while your in their store. All you need is a micro USB car charger and you'll be good. It does help having chargers around since this phone does so much im constantly using it
When i bought my droid they told me to use the charger that came with the phone and that there was a special car charger for the droid. She also said if both of these are not used the majority of the time that it decreases the battery life.

1. Does anyone know if this is true or anything about this?

2. Is there such thing as a specific droid car charger?

thanks in advance and sorry if this is a already a topic!
There are issues with non OEM chargers.
The Droid takes a minimum of 854mA to properly charge. Otherwise you'll run into rogue droid issues.

I don't know what she is talking about your battery life decreasing. Why wouldn't you use a charger to charge it? LOL
i have an extra usb charger 1000mah i will ship to someone for $7. i just got the Go Groove dock that plugs in to the socket so i just dont need it.... pm me
I bought my car charger at a Verizon store. When I got home, I looked at the packaging and it's a universal charger and not specific to the Droid. Works great though.
I went into the verizon store to buy a car charger. They wanted $30. I said,"you're smoking crack if you think I'm spending $30 " I got the standard warning about frying my phone if I didn't buy their overpriced charger made specifically for the droid.

I pulled up ebay right there in the store (on my droid) and showed it to the clerk. bought it right there on the spot for $3.49 with free shipping. the guy said that I would void my warranty if I used it. I couldn't help laughing out loud at that. He seemed genuinely concerned (bless his soul).

I've been using it for a week with absolutely zero problems. Don't buy into scare tactics. verizon chargers use the same basic principles of other chargers. universal mini usb works fine. save your money and buy the rock bottom cheapest one you can find.
I have an older Verizon charger that is MINI USB I went to Radio Shack and bought a MINI to MICRO USB adaptor and use that. Using it for a month now with no problems.

My Bluetooth is MINI and the Driod is MICRO... I didn't want to carry around two different cords now I can charge both with the same cord if I need to.

Actually a lower charge rate should make the battery last longer as it won't overheat the battery.
My car charger is a verizon one that was for my env2/env touch. Will that mess up my droid at all or is it alright to use?
I bought one from for about $3.00. It was .27 + 2.98 for shipping. It was advertised for the razor, but they are both micro usb car chargers, and it works fine.
I use my old Blackberry Tour charger and it works great. AND the chord is longer then the charger that came with my Droid 2.