Celebrating 10 years of Android.

moto z play in 2016 was the best moto z phone. longest battery life out of any smartphone till this years moto e5 plus.
moto z play could get 11 hours of screen on time, moto e5 plus gets 23 hours of screen on time on single charge.
i still use moto z play till this day, but it's battery life isn't quite what it used to be.
That was an interesting but of time travel. My absolute favorite phone (before my current Note 8) was the Note 4. Fantastic phone (I still have it). I never used a case because I loved the feel of the phone. The iPhone lovers criticized its non-glass back but that was precisely why I loved it. It felt like leather and looked like leather but took flack because it didn't feel like an iPhone. I felt then as I do now - if I wanted an iPhone I would buy one. I don't.