Changing file format from .tar to. apk


New Member
Sep 10, 2011
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Purchased a product called cell control. It has to be downloaded to a computer. It comes in Java format which does not work on an android phone. The formats are .jar, .jad, and.tar. They must be reformatted to an .apk format for the program to work on a Droid os. I have researches it on the internet and have found a couple of different choices on how to approach this. On is downloading something called j2me runner which did not work or I could send the programs to an engineer to have them rebuild the program. There is no guarantee the the program will work after that is done. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. If your curious what the program is for, it is because I found my girl is cheating on me but she doesn't know that I know. The program allows u to check SMS and monitor different things on a target phone.

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That's too much trouble. I think if you searched the market more thoroughly you would find something like you want. Put an app on the target phone, put software on home computer and spy! Right on?? Although where I live if you do not own the target phone, what you are doing constitutes a misdemeanor invasion of privacy. Our county prosecutor, if she ever found out, would come after you like you just sold the national secret.

Edit: Try SMS Tracker Agent.

Sent from my rooted, and CM7 rommed, Droid2
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This android phone has a nice feature for Changing the file formatfrom. Tar to. apk and access to download very fast
What application allows u to change file format

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To Nathan Regarding Cell Control

Nathan, I to have downloaded the Cell Control program and am really trying to get it working. I also have had trouble with the tar files. Finally, I did find a way to get them so I could transfer to my phone...but am havin trouble getting it to work properly on my phone. Did you ever get it figured out? Or did you try to get a refund? I really like he functions of the program and would really like to get it working as I read on their site.

Send me a msg if you have any info you could help me with. Thanks!
To answer your question ,I did not get it working. They have a 30 day guarantee though. I took me a while to find the number to actually get ahold of someone. I did get a refund. Still have the files on my phone. What did u do to get it working. I have done some q and a all over the web and am not very smart phone savvy. Still would like to get it going.

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I did same thing, purchased cell controll, and have same problem. I was hopping it will work but it didn't :(, I don't care about money back, just need something like that so bad.! Maybe they will come up with something new soon.
Cell Control - How to setup this on Motorola Backflip Android phone

I have purchased this Cell Control software and I would like to know if this works or not. If somebody has tried it on Android phone. I could extract the .tar files and convert to .apk files but I am not sure if this works or not.

Please any help how to move the files to Android phone and how to get this working ?

Email me back.

If you get this to work please let me know. I want this product to work so bad. This is so frustrating that I have purchased this product and it is not working.
converting jar / tar files


can anyone help me how to convert jar & tar files to apk format.
