CLNR #3 on its way.......

#4 has arrived.... I guess we shall see.

Rough day at the end of a rough week. Really appreciate Fox's support and the advice of those who weighed in. It's just a phone (I know) it was the principle behind how it was mishandled that got to me.
VZ trying to sell me a new phone instead of informing me of my Right to a Free replacement. The insurance company doing the same thing. EVEN Sales people are supposed to tell the truth ...
Then it went downhill from there. Multiple used phones (I refuse to call them CLNR) I believe I have earned that right after three of them and now #4.
Ya know - We have to play by the rules. IF their rule was "3 and out" why #4? Shame on them and shame on them for lying to sell a phone.

Hope I never get to that point in life where screwing somebody is my first response to an issue.
You'd make a bad politician then ;)

Hope it works flawlessly.
#4 has arrived.... I guess we shall see.

Rough day at the end of a rough week. Really appreciate Fox's support and the advice of those who weighed in. It's just a phone (I know) it was the principle behind how it was mishandled that got to me.
VZ trying to sell me a new phone instead of informing me of my Right to a Free replacement. The insurance company doing the same thing. EVEN Sales people are supposed to tell the truth ...
Then it went downhill from there. Multiple used phones (I refuse to call them CLNR) I believe I have earned that right after three of them and now #4.
Ya know - We have to play by the rules. IF their rule was "3 and out" why #4? Shame on them and shame on them for lying to sell a phone.

Hope I never get to that point in life where screwing somebody is my first response to an issue.
You need to contact a manager's manager and the BBB. After 3 you get a new phone. Period.
Hi Guys. I am DONE with Verizon. FOUR(4) replacements and they want to send me #5. OR they were nice enough to spend 1.5 hours stringing me along to offer me the "opportunity" to BUY a New Phone.
I have never run into such a bunch of lying, deceitful, $%^& people in my life.

Verizon is a - Cult IMO. They obviously go to classes on how to be insulting while smiling and lie until you call them on it.

I am so sick of B.S. companies I could spit.
Maybe you need a Samsung LG or HTC phone, it could be the phone and not the company...
Big V's been fine here.

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Well IF constantly changing their stories "is Fine" I guess it's Fine. I could care less about the phone. I don't like wasting hours on the phone being lied to.
One day it's "Three replacements and it's a New Phone". Then I call about a phone problem and they switch the pitch to my Unlimited Data plan that seems to drive them nuts.
Verizon is a crap company, they have proved it in spades.
Liars are liars no matter what kind of reception they get.
@CaptainSS Verizon has a written policy that if they can't resolve the problem in 3 CLNR phones, they must replace it with a new one of equal model and style, or if no longer available they must offer a new one of another model and/or manufacturer of equal or greater value.

You need to call and demand to speak with a supervisor, then state the case and that you are aware of this policy.

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Sorry to hear about your experience, you've definitely had some bad luck. While I've dealt with less than knowledgeable employees, they've always been very nice and helpful to me whether on the phone or in the store. I use the crap out of my UDP and they've never once tried to talk me into changing plans, quite the opposite actually. They take one look at my usage and tell me I should stay where I'm at and they immediately change the topic. Sure, they don't have the best pricing plans and they constantly nickel and dime us to death, but when it comes to customer service I've always been very happy with how they've treated me over the years.

S5 tap'n
I have 180* conflicting stories.
You guys tell me one thing and Verizon (including a supervisor) tell me something completely different.

I choose to believe YOU Guys. Why? #1 I KNOW Fox knows his stuff and #2 - Verizon benefits from lying.

They said "The number of LNCR's you can and will be sent is NOT limited to three(3)".

The first rep was very nice. The second Rep was nice as she was insulting me and the Supervisor was as condescending and arrogant as any I have ever spoken too. Spoke to me like I was an exercise in a Madmen skit.
Nothing but patronizing sales pitches.
They want me OFF my Unlimited Data Plan so bad when I said maybe I should just cancel all together she said "Sure I can do that for you right Now".

I know something is up at Verizon because I have seen it before in a company I used to be a Manager at - It was Allstate Insurance. Just Google the Fortune and Forbes magazine articles about Allstate Leadership and the Church of Scientology.
I have had Verizon employees as clients (several) their meetings, attitudes and leadership - frighteningly similar.

I am between a rock and a hard place and I believe they know it. They aren't stupid, they have my home and office address - they know what carriers get reception and what ones do not. They also know I do not have a land line because it used to be with Verizon and I cancelled it. You should have heard that exchange.
Anyway..... I am in a position I do Not deal with well - I am with a company I despise at this point because of their business practices and I have very little in the way of options.
Do I move just to get cell reception? Of course not.

I just want a phone that works and does what I PAY several thousand dollars a year for.

No place to turn. I do not like that feeling. I believe in competition and the free market. The consumer benefits from choices
That is a difficult spot you're in Captain. Obviously you have looked into the coverage areas for other carriers in your area? I personally wouldn't rely on most of the maps posted online, or from Verizon's site as they are usually quite old. Every major carrier will offer to pay your ETF to move you over from Verizon. So it may be worth taking the leap if you can find a carrier that can offer decent coverage. T-Mobile has really ramped up their coverage lately so you may look more closely into them first. Since you don't use much data, it may be worth you while.
Also, smaller carriers may be a good option as well since they use/rent towers from the larger carrier to provide really good coverage. Syringa is huge in my area as their coverage is equal to, and in some places better than Verizon. Plus, being a smaller carrier they try harder to please the customer in order stay competitive with the big guys.
....just something to consider. Good luck!

S5 tap'n
I've had this issue with's a friggin book about 18 pages long. Let me get it right in my head..and then I'll post the people their office numbers. And what happened...I'm at a gig right now..playing for a good cause .the boys n blue. Anyhow.ill post it probably tomorrow.
These people are INSANE. I just got off the phone with them AGAIN. It's Saturday night. An hour and a half for this idiot to develop a "plan" where I can reduce my plan by enough to "afford" to buy a new phone!

I said, "Do you see what I do for a living? Do you really think this is about me needing to find a way to afford a new obsolete phone????
This is about YOU doing the right thing for a customer with FIVE Lines for 30 years!.
OMG. I told him to notate my account that they are not to call or email or fart in my direction again EVER until I get a new carrier.
OMG Saturday night, almost 2 hours wasted again over what? A phone that is on it's way out anyway?
I said I thought they might be nuts or a part of a cult - It isn't maybe anymore.
BTW - They swear there is NO Policy about CLNR this guy even said. They will Only send three and then NO MORE AT ALL.
So according to him there is a limit on the warranty I guess. IF three of their Used Phones don't work - Oh well you are out of luck.

You can't make this stuff up. I am slack jawed - 2 hours late on a Saturday night and Verizon calls me..... to offer me the "privledge" of Buying a new phone with the money I save from cutting my plan when he said "Let me find a way of doing this without you changing your plan".....

Is this a prank?