CNet's Notable Phones of Mobile World Congress 2012


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The folks at CNet did a writeup sharing what they called the "Show stealers: The memorable phones of Mobile World Congress 2012." These following phones were their favorites that debuted at the show (in no particular order):

Nokia 808 PureView -
41-megapixel camera with a Carl Zeiss lens and more! (This one is technically not Android but the camera in it could just be the tip of the iceberg for future phone camera tech.)

Samsung Galaxy Beam -
This is the phone that can project images and video onto walls. Of course, it's immediately obvious application is for boardroom meetings and business presentations. However, who wouldn't like to play Angry Birds on their living room wall?

LG Optimus 3D Max -
3D tech will probably just be relegated to history as a passing fad, just like it did before (until the day when they perfect holographic tech). However, this one can supposedly record video and display apps like Google Earth in 3D, which seems worth a second look. It also comes with a 4.3-inch WVGA display, and an NFC so it could be worth it for many users.

Huawei Ascend D Quad -
This one has a custom quad-core CPU powering, and the company claims it is the world's fastest smartphone. We will wait for some benchmarks before we believe this claim, but regardless, this one looks like it could become a major player in the Android world very soon.

HTC One X -
Of course, many folks are fans of HTC, but even if you are indifferent toward them, the specs on this monster beast are impressive. This one has a 1.5GHz quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3 processor, an LCD 2 Gorilla Glass display, an improved camera lens (f/2.0) and sensor, Android 4.0/ Ice Cream Sandwich, Beats Audio, NFC and More! Plus, HTC has promised to reduce the bloat in Sense UI 4.0 that comes on the device, so it's hard not to be tempted by this one.

That's a wrap-up of the major phone tech announcements out of MWC this year. What do you think? Was the show a boom, a bust, or something in between?

Source: CNet
htc one x is going to be an awesome phone .. stilll waiting to replace tbolts in 3 months or so .. my understanding is AT&T only ??
Asus Vs Samsung

The Asus Padfone was the steal of the show for me. Only if the SGS 3 would have been there, then I would have been able to make a decision on what phone to upgrade my OG Droid to.
htc one x is going to be an awesome phone .. stilll waiting to replace tbolts in 3 months or so .. my understanding is AT&T only ??

Yeah, but expect some kind of variant will most likely come.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Nokia 808 PureView -
41-megapixel camera with a Carl Zeiss lens and more!

WHAT?!?!? 41 mp??? thats just insane :blink: talk about replacing a regular digital camera with a phone...hopefully we'll see this in an android phone before too long
tjk629 said:
Yeah, but expect some kind of variant will most likely come.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

Exactly, Verizon should have their own version of it.
Veriozn should have their own version. But who's to say they will get one. We don't know. We assume. Verizon has been playing buddy buddy with Samsung and Moto for too long. HTC is probably saying, "Yyyeaaaaaah, we get more attention elsewhere. They like us over there at AT&T and T-mobile."
Veriozn should have their own version. But who's to say they will get one. We don't know. We assume. Verizon has been playing buddy buddy with Samsung and Moto for too long. HTC is probably saying, "Yyyeaaaaaah, we get more attention elsewhere. They like us over there at AT&T and T-mobile."

really? then why did verizon skip out on Samsung's flagship phone the Galaxy S II (Galaxy nexus doesnt count as their flagship since its a google phone)
That's an old phone. Lately it's been Samsung and Moto. Even though Samsung crapped out with the Droid Charge. They still backed it for a while. And by your logic, it's even probably that Verizon would "skip out" on another popular phone as well. It's not unlike Verizon to shoot down people if it isn't up to their specs and liking.
That's an old phone. Lately it's been Samsung and Moto. Even though Samsung crapped out with the Droid Charge. They still backed it for a while. And by your logic, it's even probably that Verizon would "skip out" on another popular phone as well. It's not unlike Verizon to shoot down people if it isn't up to their specs and liking.

its not that old, samsung is still pushing it in commercials and it's still their flagship phone...
It's old, but it remains the top selling phone in America. Why else wouldn't they still push it. They are going to milk that cow dry lol.
WHAT?!?!? 41 mp??? thats just insane :blink: talk about replacing a regular digital camera with a phone...hopefully we'll see this in an android phone before too long

FWIW I believe it defaults to 5MP to "save space".

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

Veriozn should have their own version. But who's to say they will get one. We don't know. We assume. Verizon has been playing buddy buddy with Samsung and Moto for too long. HTC is probably saying, "Yyyeaaaaaah, we get more attention elsewhere. They like us over there at AT&T and T-mobile."

We'll most likely see a version of it if last year and the year before is any indication.

Last year we saw the same HTC device be pushed to most if not all the carriers.

EVO 3D Sprint
Sensation T-Mobile
Rezound Verizon

Not sure about AT&T. Those three phones essentially share the same specs. With a few variations in places.

The year before that it was the Incredible/EVO/Nexus.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
The Asus Padfone was the steal of the show for me. Only if the SGS 3 would have been there, then I would have been able to make a decision on what phone to upgrade my OG Droid to.
yup, I'm with you on this. I even have my mom who is waiting for the padfone, looks like were either going to be rocking it or the sIII....hopefully Verizon gets one if not both. but praying its the padfone first cause im due for an upgrade and i really want that phone