Constant "Unfortunately <process> has stopped" popups on for many processes


New Member
Jan 8, 2017
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Current Phone Model
Dorid RAZR M
I have a Droid RAZR M, with Android version 4.4.2. I had chrome open the other day and started to see popups/alerts: "Unfortunately <x> has stopped" where x is one of several different processes. I see these errors non-stop. The phone is pretty much unusable. Some examples of the processes that have stopped:
com.motorola.ccc, Email, Google Play Music,, Homescreen...

My understanding is this type of error is usually limited to a single app and clearing the app-specific cache resolves it in some cases. However, this issue seems much worse as it's impacting multiple processes.

I have tried:
1.) Clearing the System Cache (on startup)
2.) Attempted to clear the cache and data for some apps. I can see that this doesn't actually work for me (I think)... The size of the cache and data does not change after i clear it for an app (ex: chrome).
3.) Clearing the cached Data for all apps in Settings >> Storage >> Cached Data. It's possible this isn't actually working (it's not actually clearing anything)...

The only time I don't see these popups/alerts is for about 1 minute after boot, or when I access the notification pull down menu. Every once in while i get a few seconds to do something before they start again..

I was also going to try do a repair using the Verizon Software Update tool
See However, executing the app resulted in an error, so I put that idea aside for now (couldn't resolve it with Microsoft's suggested fix). BTW the error was CreateProcess failed; code 193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

I'd really like to get the phone working without a factory reset.

Welcome to the Forum.. @RazrMUser

Unfortunately, sounds like a factory reset will be necessary. Be sure to backup your contacts and data first..
I agree with Jeffrey. If you have not done a factory reset in a while, then I definitely would do one.

My guess is the pop-ups are being caused by a recently installed or updated app. If you are not able to do a factory reset soon, you can go through your recently installed or updated apps and delete them. If the pop-ups stop then you can reinstall those apps, one at a time.

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@Jeffrey i have done that yet i still have this problem (onnly with the android stock email app) i have cleared it's cache and now even that's not possible, i am lost. please help
Try uninstall Chrome. It'll take it back to the factory bloatware version. Delete your data, not just cache, for Chrome.Update Chrome and see if it resolves the issue.
My brother had this issue last year and it was Chrome that caused his.
Belated welcome to the forum.

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Have you tried removing the email account associated with the stock Mail app? I had a RAZR M a few years ago and don't remember the exact steps, but there is an option to remove the account. Then Clear Data for the Mail app and reboot the phone. See if the problem persists or disappears. If it disappears it may be something conflicting between your mail account and the stock Mail app; but will be hard to determine the cause until that account is not tied to the stock app for a little while. If the issue disappears there are dozens of good E mail apps that work just as good (or better) than the stock Mail app. If the issue persists then you know the problem is not that app and can focus on other possible apps / Settings.

Before you did the Factory Reset (FDR) did you un-select Backup My Data in Settings before doing the FDR? If not, the phone will automatically start downloading the same apps and settings right back on the phone and may have re-downloaded the same thing that caused the initial issue.