Contacts Management Different Departments Same Company


New Member
Sep 7, 2010
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The wife has made a mess of her contacts. So bad we eventually exported a CSV and wiped everything from the phone and Google. She has a large number of people at the same company to store, plus a large number of departments to store.

She had been using a pattern of:
First Name: ABC Corp
Last Name: Tony

First Name: ABC Corp
Last Name: Security

Her complaint is that if she used Company name in the company name field, and Department field of Security, she would end up with rows of contacts listed as ABC Corp, but the department would not show. The only way to dial then would be to do a search by key word, say Security. Her argument makes sense, but my OCD is going off the rails. I tried setting the Company name to ABC Corp Security so it will show all the information in the contacts when pulled up. She is mainly a scroller when it comes to dialing. looking for a name, instead of typing one in.

Thoughts please, this is wearing us out.
This is what I do for work. Now, I'm using a Nexus 6P, so my contacts app may differ from hers.

I'm the IT guy, so I've got several numbers to worry about. I made one contact called "Name of Company". Under that, I put the different numbers I need. It's a nursing home & we offer phone service to all residents, so Work is the main line, then I used custom labels. Residents is the line to call to dial a resident's extension & ring their room, my office is my direct line, other people's names are their direct lines, etc.

This way, in the main page of contacts, I only have Company Name listed once. When I tap that, I'm presented with the top 2 numbers & a button to view more, which expands it to what you see below. To me, this keeps my main list less cluttered & I know what each of these individual numbers are for under the company name.


Sent from my Nexus 6P
Try this:
Scott Cole at ABC corp
Bob z at BBC corp
Tom r at abc corp

Now.... With those 3 names:
Enter them into contacts as:

Scott Cole ABC

Each as a separate contact. Basically, turn their name into
First Last Company
Make this their name. THEN, go to contacts settings and sort your contacts by last name displayed first. What you'll end up with in your contacts list is:

ABC, Scott Cole
ABC, Tom R
BBC, Bob Z

All sorted alphabetically by company.

Works for me :)