Contacts question??


New Member
Sep 6, 2012
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My S3 syncs all of my facebook and email contacts as a separate contact, so I have several different contacts for the same person in my phone. Is there anyway to have just one contact with all of their info in it without having to manually enter everything? This is a PIA..:angry:
Open a contact then settings, and then hit join contact. It will then give you a list of contacts that you want to merge.
I'm having the same issue, but no matter how many times I hit "join contacts", it doesn't join them.
Open a contact with multiple entries and then go to settings and select join. Then you must select all other entries of that contact that you want to merge. If it is successful you should see all joined entries for that contact under the conections section of the final contact. There should be a little chain link to the right of them.