text messaging contacts


New Member
Nov 4, 2012
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Hi I just got my s3 not to long ago and I'm having a bit of an issue with my contacts and txt messaging... I added the majority of my contacts manually, and found that it also sync'd my contacts from my email addresses that I sync'd to my phone.

The problem is... When I go into my messaging app and I go to find a contact in the list, the contacts that I added manually are not on the list of contacts that I can send txt to...

I'm not sure if this made much sense lol... I tried to explain it as best as I could. I appreciate as much help as I can get! Thanks.

If you need anymore info please let me know.

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Bump for answers/suggestions

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When you go into contacts on the phone do they all show up there?

Communicated from atop The Beer Tent Capital of The World
When I go to the contacts on the message application it shows (I believe) all my contacts that I have ever contacted over all my sync'd accounts, except for my recently added contacts that I did manually... But when I go to my contacts app it shows the ones I recently added manually and only a few random ones... And they r set to mobile (the ones that I would like to txt)

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Stock messaging app. This problem has been happening since my phone was completely stock

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The contacts app will only show the contacts associated with your Google account and those saved to your phone. The messaging app will also look at all the other accounts you have put on your phone, like email accounts and the like.

Hope that helps.

The messaging app does not show all my contacts. The contacts that r missing are the ones that I entered manually on my phome
Open the Contacts app, click the Settings menu, and click Contacts to Display, this allows you to choose which contacts are shown. Also, when you create a new contact in the Contacts app, pay attention to what is selected at the very top (below) the Cancel/Save bar. That selection is a pulldown that let's you choose what kind of contact you are creating, and it's independent from the "Contacts to Display" setting. If the contacts you are creating are not the same kind as your Contacts to Display setting, they won't show up.

I suggest you create "Google" contacts instead of "Phone", they can be sync'd to your Google account automatically so you don't need to worry about the flaky Verizon Backup, and you can easily edit them on your computer by logging into your Google account. In ICS there was an option in the Settings called "Merge with Google" that would convert all of your Phone contacts to Google contacts with a single button press, but I don't see that option in mine since the JB update.

Hope this helps!