Cortana started doing missed calls reminders on my z2force even when disabled


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Current Phone Model
Motorola Turbo 2
I am not sure if it is because my Windows PC just upgraded itself to 1803 and it's a bug in the syncing or if it's a different bug
I had it set only to sync missed calls with the PC but now it reminds me on my phone by setting an alarm 6 hours after the missed call it really irritating

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I am not sure if it is because my Windows PC just upgraded itself to 1803 and it's a bug in the syncing or if it's a different bug
I had it set only to sync missed calls with the PC but now it reminds me on my phone by setting an alarm 6 hours after the missed call it really irritating

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2x I have had to go into Cortana on my phone and toggle sync to PC off and then back on but the issue returns occasionally. Today it set a reminder in my phone at 9am for a call I missed at 845am . I have sync missed calls to PC on and not or remind me on my phone but sometimes it seems Cortana forgets and creates an alarm. If I block Cortana from setting alarms in Android then it keeps prompting me to set permissions. Irritating

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There is no setting in Android that I can find that will block an Android app like Cortana from access to the alarm app which seems to be the way it does it's notifications. There also doesnt seem to be a way to set notification sounds in Cortana to anything else or to silent.

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