Daily Progress


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Will post news on upcoming releases and such here.. :)

Currently as of:

Our Team is for the most part complete, may ask for some testers at some point in the future.. also spent most of the day, organizing and working on setting up the ROMs to be put onto the ROM Mananger app..

Getting our team together more, and im starting to set everything up for my own kernal.. also as a reminder HOLY-BLUE is now at the 4.1 BASE.!!

be on the lookout for some of our sigs coming soon.!!

Holy-Blue has been updated to the 4.1 BASE.. so some new icons for all you holy blue users.. :)

I am starting to work on building my own kernal, and plan on having one by friday if all goes well... after that im going to start a from source build.. so don't expect many major new ROM releases.. although what else could you have didn't i didn't already give you.. :p

Holy-Blue-v-3.0 was released this morning, and a minor change is being uploaded now for Succulent-Desire-v-4.0 and the OFFICIAL DroidForums ROM..


Donations not required but very much apprectiated..

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Cool thanks man!

Holy-Blue-v-3.0 should make it for everyone tonight, sorry for the delay, HolyGrail had a busy day and me and him are very sorry.. but you should get your Holy-Blue "ness" soon... lol..

also, theres a surprise coming here very soon.. :)

Succulent-Desire-v-4.0 along with Holy-Blue-v-3.0 are going to be RELEASED, TONIGHT..
Me and HolyGrail, have both worked hard on this release, and we hope that you all enjoy it, as much as we have enjoyed working on it for you all..


Succulent-Desire-v-4.0 close to release along with HolyBlue-v-??
many enhancements, and ive spent alot of time today, completly rebuilding the ROM, i'll leave out the details until release, but i think this will be the best one yet..

everything is calming down now in my life, weddings over, and my life is pretty much back to normal now.. so i'll be back up and moving alot faster, however im not home until saturday, so don't expect anything major until there, i can barely use the internet at this hotel, a simple 10mb download took over an hour..

Succulent-Desire-v-3.5 RELEASED
Holy-Blue-v-2.0 RELEASED

Working on getting complete easy to follow guides to install the ROMS..

alright, presently have a lot going on, i'll just give everyone a rought idea here,
-close friend was in an auto accident
-im out of town for my sisters wedding
i'll leave out all the details, but i don't have much free time right now, the next version of Succulent Desire and Holy Blue will be out most likly later today.. Me and HolyGrail have worked hard on this release and it has many new features with even more planned..

Its still ESE53 based, but the basband has been upgraded, which is essentially the only feature in ESE83..

So i would call it better than ESE83, there both extrememly stable, and both have the same baseband, and ESE83 can't use any previously used launcher or laucher2, or even nexusmod..

HolyGrail will be posting both uploads and release notes for me later on today.. im doing all this from my droid currently, so its getting hard to keep typing.. lol..

the new update is
Succulent Desire v-3.5 and
Succulent Holy Blue v-2.0

me and holygrail will be happy to answer any questions anyone may have..
thanks for your support..

Alright first off thanks to everyone, for their patience, the last 2 days have been rough and everyhting is finally beginning to calm down.. :)
HolyGrail has been hard at work editing for the blue version and me and him are in constant communication to make this ROM as good as it can be.. We got Holy-Blue-v-1.0 up and running and released... despite his troubles with a hard drive crash last night..
Also with the new 2.1 finally rolling out i decieded to wait unitl i get my hands on a 2.1 D/L and get root access, hopefully soon so i can get a new version based off the official release..
If i don't then i'll make a small release on friday, to clean up some of the minor bugs, and to add some new scripts..

Be patient over this next week please.. going to give eveyone a heads up, I'm leaving for out of town thursday afternoon, and will be gone for a week, my sister is getting married, and i'll try to get as much down as i can.. I'll try to keep on top of everything in all the threads but if im lagging, then please just be patient..

as always thank you all for following me and my ROM, and for your constant feedback and support..

v 1.0 of_________ ______ is in its final stages, putting on some final touches and its ready to go.. :) remember this will have all the features of the succulent desire 3.? which will also be released tomorrow, YES, thats right, 2 releases tomorrow, with NEW features.. one with some major blue theming and the other with the current themeing..

got both versions finished today and just recently placed some final touches on the blue one.. will test it the rest of the night and tomorrow, and will upload around 6 or 7 tomorrow...

v 1.0 of ________ ______ is close to release, it is in the process of being extensivly themed by 2 of my good friends here at DroidForums.. im looking forward to the final product along with all you blue lovers' out ther.. lol
also got some things sorted out today, and played catch up on everything, not much moding work, and i'll start on modifing the HTC Themed Laucher2.apk either tomorrow or monday, it will be done for sure by MONDAY, i promise you all that.. :)

keep shooting me any requests you have, its nice to have a constant flow of ideas.. :)
i'll work as hard as i can to get them all completed as soon as possible..

almost finished with v 1.0 of ________ ______
i have a name in mind for the blue themed ROM, decieded to have 2 separate ROMS, instead of just calling it succulent desire blue.. the features will remain the same in both of them, the only difference will be tons of blue in the currently unnamed ROM..

Have v 3.0 complete, and almost finished with the blue themed version, will post v 3.0 tonight, and the blue version tomorrow.. :)
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