Data Throttling Hack for Sourcery 1.0


Premium Member
Premium Member
Nov 15, 2009
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Here is the Data Throttling Hack for Sourcery 1.0.
I did the hack my self and applied it to mine and it booted up fine.

This is only for the main rom with no theme just plain blue. I have not tested this with a theme on so feel free to try it on a themed one but its not my fault if anything happens.
First boot up will take longer then normal.

Mobile Network Settings will Force Close.

Download: 1.1 coming soon

1. Put the .zip on your sdcard.
2. Use ROM Manager or boot into recovery and install it.
Sorry semi-noob, but what does this hack do?
from what i've read on it and it's in several places on several unrestricts your 3g speeds from Verizon... supposedly verizon will throttle your connection speed in areas of highly concentrated use. to keep bandwidth use down so everyone can have some....this takes that restriction off so you get the fullest bandwidth possible.
installing now, anyone had issues with it?
did not see any speed differences but I'm not at high usage for month yet so hard to say.
did have a reboot after installing though.
I installed it this morning and so far so good, I guess? I don't know what to look for, honestly. My phone hasn't done anything unusual, though!

if ya try the speedtest app before and after the hack then you might see the speed difference...the whole hack is too controversial to really say what good there is from it....
was zero difference but if not at high usage it would not have been throttled anyway.