Day-1 with DROID.... Please Help!


Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
I can not find my sent folder etc..... when you send a text don't you have a message place where you can see your sent text, inbox, drafts? I can't find it.
Click on messages, click on the name of whomever you messaged. The complete message history will load in one window.

It's not like a typical phone you may be used to. Text messages show up like an IM box.

I can not find my sent folder etc..... when you send a text don't you have a message place where you can see your sent text, inbox, drafts? I can't find it.
For text messages, it keeps them all together in a running "string." There isn't a separate "sent" folder.
in most programs, including the Messenger app, there is functionality if you click the menu button (softkey at the bottom with the 4 horiz. lines). just a heads up, took me a few days to figure out myself...

also try longpressing within programs... other options come up...
Oooo......ok. this phone is so different. Many more questions to come :-(
take it in stride, you don't need to understand every aspect of the Droid at once :D
Neko, welcome to the forums. Check my sig for more helpful hints.
Oooo......ok. this phone is so different. Many more questions to come :-(

Don't worry- pretty soon you'll get used to it, and realize a lot of it is more intuitive then a "normal" phone, and phones you've used in the past will seem bass-ackwards!
Oooo......ok. this phone is so different. Many more questions to come :-(

Don't worry- pretty soon you'll get used to it, and realize a lot of it is more intuitive then a "normal" phone, and phones you've used in the past will seem bass-ackwards!

This is so true. I may not own another non-android phone for the rest of my life. We'll see :D
take it in stride, you don't need to understand every aspect of the Droid at once :D
I absolutely agree with this.

When I picked up my phone at the Verizon Store, the associate that helped me warned me right away that a lot of people hate the Droid right out of the box simply because it is so different than what they may be used to. He told me to take the full 30 day grace period to customize it and make it "mine." Once you get everything setup the way you like it, you will fall in love. :heart: