DO NOT Put The Note 5 S-Pen In Backwards!


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Oct 6, 2011
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A nasty little Note 5 "defect" has popped up over the weekend. This is less of a defect than it is just a common sense issue. As more and more users are upgrading to the Note 5 they are finding out that putting the SPen back into the device up side down can cause a huge issue. The all new SPen is designed to sit flush inside the phone. It has a clicking mechanism built in which allows for easy and convenient extraction.

It turns out that when you place the SPen into the Note 5 backwards it gets stuck, and not kinda stuck straight up stuck. According to some Note 5 users once the SPen is placed in the phone backwards it is nearly impossible to get it unstuck. Some users just weren't able to get the SPen unstuck and are now not able to use the SPen while others nearly broke the SPen removing it from the device. Some users have reported that after having stuck the Spen and then having unstuck the Spen the pen removal detection quit working.

It would be easy enough to lose focus of what you are doing and accidentally place the SPen in backwards. It seems as if Samsung would have taken some precautions to eliminate this problem. Maybe making the Spen cavity cone in with the pen so that maybe a portion of the pen would be sticking out of the phone making it easier to grab if it happened to get stuck, or maybe making the spring loaded mechanism strong enough to pop the spen out if you placed it in backwards. Either way just be sure to remember not to put your SPen in the Note 5 backwards.

via AndroidCentral
With my note 2 I found myself in a hurry trying to put it in upside down. It was obvious when it would not go all the way in. As easy as it is to point to the culprit like they are idiots I can see this being an easy mistake, especially when you are doing multiple things and are in a rush.

Hopefully Samsung makes an adjustment in later production models to take that into account.
OK here goes...... why oh why do we have to keep dumbing down everything to keep people from doing stupid things? Like the labels on hair dryers saying not to use them in the shower... or the government changing the way kids do math so that now the kids who understand math are now on the same level as those who dont.... You know which way the Pen came out so take your head out of your heiny, pay attention to what you are doing and take responsibility. We as a society are dumbing down because to many new things take any thought process out of life.

Droidmodder this is in no way a slam on you. I know you are just reporting the story but I had to get my rant in there.

Every day I see machines broken or wrecked because someone wasn't paying attention and everyday I hear the excuse that the machine should have protection built in so that can't happen. But 99% of the problems could have been avoided with the smallest amount of common sense and mental awareness.

*end rant*

Note 4tified
So people had the pointy end out...and instead of not doing that, they just kept pushing it down more? Stupidity is the plague of the 21st century.
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OK here goes...... why oh why do we have to keep dumbing down everything to keep people from doing stupid things? Like the labels on hair dryers saying not to use them in the shower... or the government changing the way kids do math so that now the kids who understand math are now on the same level as those who dont.... You know which way the Pen came out so take your head out of your heiny, pay attention to what you are doing and take responsibility. We as a society are dumbing down because to many new things take any thought process out of life.

Droidmodder this is in no way a slam on you. I know you are just reporting the story but I had to get my rant in there.

Every day I see machines broken or wrecked because someone wasn't paying attention and everyday I hear the excuse that the machine should have protection built in so that can't happen. But 99% of the problems could have been avoided with the smallest amount of common sense and mental awareness.

*end rant*

Note 4tified

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I absolutely agree with Miller & John. This is absolutely ridiculous! I can certainly understand being in a hurry and pushing the pen in backwards (initially), but once you feel the pointed tip on your thumb, that should give you plenty of time to realize that it's being inserted incorrectly. For people to continue on and force it the rest of the way in is just absurd and these folks deserve losing all S-Pen privileges.
Clearly these folks are Darwin award candidates in the making. LOL!
My belief of devolution gets easier to prove every time I read a story like this one

Support Our Troops !!!
Beast Mode 4
So people had the pointy end out...and instead of not doing that, they just kept pushing it down more? Stupidity is the plague of the 21st century.

The ditch diggers of tomorrow will be polishing robots.
For all of you talking about ignorant the users that screw this up must be, I'm guessing you've never made a mistake in any circumstances for any reason what-so-ever, especially while in some sort of rush?

Must be nice to be meticulously perfect.
You're right Samsung should have warned us.
Mr Engvall said it best....

Too soon?
All. I believe the issue is not of the pen being put in backwards (pointy end out per se') but flipped or upside down. This could have easily been rectified by making the S-pen either keyed at the top section so that it can't go in but one way or symmetrically shaped so that it could click-in in either direction.
Good points Amagine! I just find it strange that after the 5th generation of this device, it's now become a "problem".
For all of you talking about ignorant the users that screw this up must be, I'm guessing you've never made a mistake in any circumstances for any reason what-so-ever, especially while in some sort of rush?

Must be nice to be meticulously perfect.

Yep...feels pretty good.

I have made some really dumb mistakes on cars, though. Oi...those were some trying times and I was a really, really dumb teenager.
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