Don't forget to make an introduction thread!

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Hi, new to the droid world, do you know if you can install navigon or garmin gps app on the droid? google is not exactly accurate !! thx.
future droid owner

hey, I am a soon to be droid user. can't wait til I can upgrade. 3 more weeks.
New Droid Owner

I'm a new Motorola Droid Owner and I'm loving it. I've had Palm,Blackberry,HTC and all other sorts of smart phones. I have to say, the Droid is the best one, by far. I love this phone :icon_ banana:(although the phone part is only about 5%).
Looking forward to exploring the forum.

Well, so far, I've had a Palm 650 (had it for about 4 years!) A good solid phone. I gave it to a friend and went with an HTC 6800. Worst mistake of my life! While my friend went on happily using my Palm for the next year-and-a-half, I went on using my HTC and missing my Palm terribly. I hope the Droid will make me not miss my Palm so much.
New to Smartphones

Hello, my name's Mike - I use the name cuskit here. Just got my MotoDroid on 11/22 and haven't looked back since! It has replaced my Palm TungstenT, my Garmin GPS, my Razr Cellphone, my P&S camera, my flashlight, my metal detector, my scanner and wondering if my wife will be next? :icon_ banana:

I'm having a ball following these forums - just too many to read in a day so I'm missing quite a few. But that's okay as the search feature here is awesome!

As a moderator on other forum sites - I'd like to point out to new posters in this particular thread that it's for self-introductions and site assistance only - not for those who need help with their phones or equipment, or understanding the software and apps. There are many threads for those particular subjects and would be easier to navigate searching if used appropriately. Just a friendly note to that effect! :)

Meanwhile - I'd like to say overall this is a terrific Droid Forum full of valuable information and some VERY knowledgeable people - and all very friendly to boot! I look forward to participating here and enjoying the community.


Hello everyone. I'm new at this thread thing so if I do something wrong let me know. I'm a former blackberry storm guy. I was acrually in the Verizon store to upgrade to the storm 2when I saw the moto Droid. Five min of playing with it was all it took. I was hooked. EVERYTHING about this phone is better than the storm. I learn something new on it everyday. Love my Droid. Subytom.
New Motorola Droid owner (formerly w/ Sprint). Looking forward to exploring all the capabilities w/ this device. :)
I thought I did, but...

Gee, I thought I did introduce myself, but I can't find it. So...

I'm 63, still working, and doing fine. I'm a truck driver, so this new Droid I plan to get this weekend will sit firmly on the windshield of my truck (just like my LGnv2 does currently). This will be my first foray into smartphones - and I can't wait. Even with the problems some folks are having, I'm confident I'll really enjoy the Droid. Plus, with everything I've been able to learn from THIS site, I'm probably light years ahead of most of the Verizon sales people I've run into - :)

Stuff that does concern me is how well I'll be able to see the screen in the daylight, and how easily I'll be able to make simple phone calls (using my BlueParrot headset) to many different numbers - while driving. I guess all that will come with experience as I become a "Droidian". Can't wait!
new to the droid, new to verizon, and new to the forum--so far i love them all and am having a great time trying to "grow" my knowledge--thanx--
Hopefully this is where I introduce myself? Just purchased my droid yesterday and am lovin it, even tho I am really only at the tip of the iceburg, per se....I can only do basic things right now, but I know I am going to have a very happy relationship with this phone, lol!
Greetings Earthlings!!

I have been looking at buying a non-Nokia smartphone for a while and had had leanings towards the Apple iPhone, but there are too many things that don't work on it - unless you are a Mac-clone - that made me start looking elsewhere. My looking took me back to Motorola and their Droid/Milestone offering. I haven't yet bought one as my birthday's not for another few weeks, and my young family comes first!

Hopefully prior to my handing over my hard-earned cash, there'll be a Root Hack!

Here's to the fun of learning a new handset with its new technologies
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I've had my Droid several weeks now. Every day it seems I find out something new about it. Had to take the 1st one back after a couple of days as it was one of the defective ones. Since then, I've loved every minute with this one. Droid Does!! I've had HTC Touch, and HTC Touch Pro, they were always hanging up and needed a reboot. I've had BlackBerry Curve and BlackBerry Storm, always waiting on a spinning hourglass, or pulling the battery. This Robot Phone connects to my Blue Tooth headset easier and faster than any other phone I've owned. With the help of all the people on the forums, I've learned a lot about this phone. Thanks, Philip.
became a DROID owner today, and I am looking forward to reading through your forums, and learning more about what this puppy can do!
Hey everyone,

I picked up my Droid about 3 weeks ago when I learned Verizon was offering new contract discounts to all Alltel customers. At my old job it was a necessity to have a Windows Mobile phone for easy access to m e-mail, so to present I have had a Motorola Q, then an HTC Titan, and then an HTC Touch Pro before the Droid. I've been wanting to try Android since last year, so it's been a nice change.

My Motorola Q was a rocky experience, so it's funny I would return to Motorola again for the Droid. The Q was full of problems and I ended up going through 5 exchanges for everything from hard lock-ups, reboot loops, and battery failure. I was an early adopter though and hear the later models were much better. So this time I almost went for the HTC again since they have yet to let me down, but the gadget lover in me demanded the best I could get and I haven't regretted it. Motorola really earned some brownie points with me with the Droid.
Hello, new to droid came over from the storm. and what can i say the droid is perfect.:)
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