Droid 2 keyboard Mods

Just checking, because every time I try to install it I get installation failure. Yes I am rooted; Droid 1, LFY v1.6, watermarkd theme.
I had to download one to double check...they are in update.zip format, so put the entire zip on your SD card and install as update.zip from recovery
Added instructions for install, so people don't get confused. Most roms have the keyboard as LatinImeGoogle.apk but some may differ. To check go to /system/app and look for Latinwhatever.apk
Does this still have the alt problems? And can u make a unc tar heals color one.
Does this still have the alt problems? And can u make a unc tar heals color one.

The alt lock is part of the keyboard. Provide hex color codes for the keybackground and text. Otherwise I might do a white key with tarheel blue text!!!
No with the alt key after the first key press some will be letters and some will be the alted key gets kinda annoying. And can u do the unc background with white letters or black letters if white is to hard to read.
So for key background you want 709DC4 and text to be FFFFFF?
Installed from directions but I'm getting fc when I try to use the keyboard?

Edit: had an old version of the d2 keyboard, got the fix version and now it works!

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I started using MIUI with the d2 keyboard and the characters on the keyboard are incredibly small. Is there a fix for this yet.
can you provide a screenshot? Is this the only rom that this happens on?
Quick request

Really like the mountaineer keyboard you made but was wondering if you could make the letters on the keys white instead of yellow??

That would be sick!
Really like the mountaineer keyboard you made but was wondering if you could make the letters on the keys white instead of yellow??

That would be sick!

That would be simple. Just need to take the images form the Mountaineer one and throw them in the black and white one.
i used it on UD8 and Miui

i used it on UD8 and Miui


Thats what I'm looking for but instead of the keys black, would like them the blue color in the mountaineer keyboard he made or the same blue color as the send button in your screen shot. Which ever would be easier for bowers to throw together.