Droid Camera Photos - Not viewable in gallery for hours

Been an issue for me since day 1; rooted and unrooted bone stock. Droid does, after a restart... Odd thing is sometimes they are in there right away other times only after a long period of time or a reboot. I assumed that maybe a task killer was getting the gallery somehow or there wasn't enough RAM to pull off a refresh right away. That's the only thing I could figure since a restart always clears it right up. Astro can find the file immediately if I tell it where to look.
hm, i never really noticed it until i had the 3d gallery... but i've had it for a long time now.. anybody have it on the older gallery?
get ReloadSD widget from the market, still kind of a workaround, but one click unmounts/mounts your card and shows all your new pics in the gallery
Search the market for an app called "SDRESCAN". It basically remounts your SD Card so that any new media on it will show up. I originally ran into this problem because images that I transferred to my phone over FTP weren't showing up in the gallery unless I manually unmounted and remounted my SD card or rebooted.

The SDRESCAN app is much more convenient.

Hope that helps.
Not sure if this is related or not, but likely so. This is on my non-rooted 2.1 phone. With the new gallery in 2.1, I have noticed sometimes that the only files that show up are Picassa gallery files. NONE of the SD files (pictures, movies, etc) will show up. Astro sees them just fine, but gallery doesn't.
Same issue here. Last time it happened, I took a photo of my front door to show a rep at Lowe's. Of course my galery wouldn't show the photos I took. The guy was like, "Droid Doesn't". Very embarrassing lol. What I think might be going on is if you have the camera or any other app that might be using the card in the background, then the gallery won't be able to pull those pix open. I didn't know I had the camera app running. Once I closed it, then the gallery immediately pulled the photos up. Of course you can use Astro, but it isn't all that easy to find photos with thoase dinky icons.
I've had this issue both stock and rooted (BB 1.1). It's pretty random, though. I can take pics and they will be in the gallery almost instantaneously, or it will take just short of forever for them to show up. I can find them with Astro/Root Explorer or in the actual camera app.
Thanks to everyone who recommended SDRescan. It's worked well for me since hearing about it here.