Droid notification problem on Calendar


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
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Rhode Island
Hi there, I'm new to the forum but long time lurker and encountering a problem recently that I need your expert assistance with. I've had my Motorola Droid 1 since January of this year and I've never had a better phone. My problem is actually somewhat simple, relating to the stock Calendar notifications - I've set them for some time to remind me 24 hours before an event. The thing is, I don't use the phone all the time so I leave it off to conserve battery power when I don't need it. Until the last few days, I've had my notifications come in - If I set something for, say, Aug 1 at 6:45 PM.. and I didn't turn my Droid on until Aug 1st at 1 am, I'd get the notification in the status bar. All of a sudden, if I set a time and I don't have the phone on for the 24 hour notification on that exact minute, it won't give me the notification! For example - now if I make a 6:45 PM appointment for Aug 1 and turn the phone on at 1 am on Aug 1st, with a 24 hour notification, it won't give me the notification at all about today in the notification panel. I've been able to do this for months, and I don't have anything that will conflict with the notifications because I get them if I set an event and have the phone on. But, if I leave the phone off it no longer reminds me about the event even when set to when I turn it on. Any suggestions? P.S: I have no problems sync'ing with Google Calendar, GMail, or Contacts. :motdroidvert:
My only suggestion is instead of turning it off. Put it in airplane mode and leave it on. See how that does for you. There are widget apps that can do this quickly.
Or invest in a second battery. Just seems that the power used to reboot every time you turn it on and coupled with leaving it off isn't much if any different then the method I mentioned. I know I can leave my phone sitting around unused (and on) and may lose 10% over the course of the day.
Sorry I have no answer to the point of your post, just wanted to give some alternatives.

I'm running with Chevy's 4.6 rom, LV 1.0 Ghz kernal.
I don't think that'd work too well for me as I use a lot of applications. I kill the memory intensive ones but I usually use them for a while and down the battery goes. Thanks, though, for the alternatives.. Anybody who can help me with the actual notification issue?
Did you check the setting to see if maybe the notification got turned off, in the calendar app?
Strange that it just started happening. Probably something in settings was changed.
Maybe try another calendar app in the market?
Notifications are and have been turned on for the status bar like always.The weird thing is, if I set it and the phone is on - for a short time, or a long time, the reminder will always go off the very minute it is supposed to. I decided to try an experiment - I have it set to inform me tonight of a two day scheduled meeting, same time as I used in the 24 hour notice. If the two days works and the 24 hours doesn't, then I'll have to change the notification times on all my future appointments, if that's the problem. I don't see, honestly, why it doesn't simply notify me when I turn the phone on since it is within the 24 hour range.
Well, I tried my experiment. No notification at all. Anybody able to help me on what I should try next to get the notifications back?
Sorry to hear that. Have you tried a 3rd party calendar, just to see what happens?
I haven't tried any other calendar software, nothing really looks all that good and the stock calendar honestly is all I need, and until recently worked perfectly.
I'm trying now on my stock. I just set an event and to be notified. Turned off phone. I will turn it back on a few minutes after the event time.
Is that an accurate test for what your issue is? No notification once turning on?
The best test would be to set an event like:Sunday, August 8th - 6:45 pm - 24 hour notification.Turn the Droid off between 6:30 pm and, say, 11 pm on Aug 7th and then turn it on and see if it notifies you - setting is Status Bar Notification. That would be pretty much what I'm going through.