Droid X/X2 Essentials Pack - $19.97 Launch Week Special - Free 2-day Shipping

^Nope, not seeing that happen.

Amazing deal. I needed a new wall charger. So I get one and then some for less than the price of a wall charger...

Thanks...must have been an issue w/Chrome...opened the same site in Explorer and stayed in $.

Ordered...wish I'd known about this before the HDMI dock and car mount I ordered a few days ago arrived... :(

However, even if I have to pay about $5 in shipping each to return both of them, ordering this one + that $10 is STILL $10 less than I paid for those two items from Amazon (and I thought that was a great price...) :)
Ordered mine just fine and I was logged in. Great deal since the HDMI cable alone costs almost as much.
still can't believe this was $20...
Im trying to order another set, but it keeps saying $49.95. anyone know how to fix this?
Same for me.
Always get in on the good stuff too late.:icon_evil:
unless they shut it down, it's a "launch week" special, so it shouldn't be done... though word spread pretty quick about this deal

did you make sure you were signed out of your account?
I tried every way I could think of. logged in and logged out.
Always comes up $49