DroidX built in swype


Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
So on my Droid1, been using swype since the first (unofficial) release, and was part of the beta program. Loved it.
So when i upgraded to the DroidX, I was happy swype came with, no more at the hands of the dreaded beta.

Except, I find the accuracy of the built in swype rather lacking, at least compared to the beta.

Anyone else experience this?
So on my Droid1, been using swype since the first (unofficial) release, and was part of the beta program. Loved it.
So when i upgraded to the DroidX, I was happy swype came with, no more at the hands of the dreaded beta.

Except, I find the accuracy of the built in swype rather lacking, at least compared to the beta.

Anyone else experience this?

Nope, it works just as well as the BETA if not better. Remember that when you started with SWYPE it had to learn some words and your common usage. Give it time and you will be just as happy with SWYPE on the X!
I would have to agree that the droid x swype seems to be a little off compared to before the 2.2 update and the beta even seemed to be more accurate. Just my experince.
I would have to agree that the droid x swype seems to be a little off compared to before the 2.2 update and the beta even seemed to be more accurate. Just my experince.

After the 2.2 update, your personal dictionary was reset. It has to learn all of your words again. Go back and do the tutorial again, it might refresh your memory in regards to adding words to the dictionary.

Words commonly used will always show up in the list first, or will be the ones that are input when you SWYPE. If you are having problems, manually enter the word plus a space and it will be added in your personal dictionary.
Naw, not unknown words it has to relearn. It will sometimes put the first letter, than a space, than garbage, or a word close to what is left of what I was typing.
So lets say I want to type rollover, it will put r allover or popup the word choice box. Just not seeing how this first letter, space thing is working out.
Sometimes it just seems to get confused and puts a word out not anything like I was typing.